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Head Unit Integration Guide 
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Head Unit Integration Guide 
Version 1.3.0 
Last Updated: 2016-08-10 
Google Confidential & Proprietary 
© 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No express or implied warranties are provided for herein. All specifications are subject to 
change and any expected future products, features or functionality will be provided on an if and when available basis. 

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Table of Contents 
About Android Auto Projection (AAP) 
Mobile Device 
Head Unit 
Head Unit Requirements 
Screen Support 
AAP Integration 
Receiver Library and Protocol Versions 
AAP Receiver Library 
OS Adaptation Layer 
Software Requirements 
AAP Receiver Interfaces 
Version Compatibility 
Establishing AAP Connections 
Connect AAP 
Service Discovery 
Manage Applications 
Connect Bluetooth 
Grant Video Focus to MD on request 
Run Tutorial 
Run Disclaimers 
Start Android Auto UI 
Setting Up Transport 
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 
Configuring AOAP 
USB Mode Selection 
Head Unit Responsibilities 
Mobile Device Responsibilities 
USB Charging 
Authentication Certificates 
Authentication Sequence 
Setting Up Bluetooth 
Bluetooth Pairing & Connection 
BluetoothService Announcement 
Protocol Messages for Bluetooth 
HFP Connection 
Additional Bluetooth Profiles 
Bluetooth Reconnection 
Integrating Video 
Selecting Video Resolution 
Request the Highest Resolution Possible 
Selecting a Density to Report 
Matching Physical Display Size 
Required Video Stream Support 
Video Focus 
Projection Mode 
Native Mode 
Mode Examples 
Video Focus Requests 
Latency, Flow Control & Clock Skew 
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Integrating Audio 
Audio Streams 
UI (device-to-vehicle) 
Guidance (device-to-vehicle) 
Voice (device-to-vehicle) 
Media (device-to-vehicle) 
Microphone (vehicle-to-device) 
Legacy In-Call (bi-directional) 
Audio Focus 
Audio Focus Requests 
Audio Focus Notifications 
Audio Focus Initialization 
Audio Focus Policy 
Audio Focus Priorities 
Contention & Media Mixing 
ASR Focus 
Navigation Focus 
Media (Music) Focus 
System Stream Support 
Audio Mixing Guidelines 
General Audio Notification Guidelines 
For Mixing Streams 
F or Non-Mixed Streams 
F or Audio Focus & Phone Calls 
Audio Focus Examples 
Audio Focus Mixing vs. Non-Mixing 
Native Nav + MD Music 
MD Nav & Music + Native FM Radio 
MD Music + MD Phone Call 
Latency, Flow Control & Clock Skew 
Integrating Input Devices 
Button Key Events 
Implementing Button Interface 
Rotational Controller Devices 
Dial Key Codes 
Implementing Device Interface 
Implementing Device Interface 
Integrating ASR 
Initiating Automatic Speech Recognition 
Voice Recognition Session 
Cancelling or Restarting a VR Session 
Implementing Voice Recognition (VR) Actions 
Short-Press Standard Session 
Short-Press Restart 
Short-Press Cancel 
Long-Press Standard Session 
Long-Press Restart 
Long-Press Cancel 
Speech Audio Format 
Processing Requirements 
Processing Recommendations 
Integrating Vehicle Data 
Driving Status 
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Integrating Navigation 
Navigation Focus Request 
Navigation Focus Notification 
Integrating Application Status 
& Data 
Navigation Data 
Navigation Subscription 
Navigation Status Event 
Next Turn Event 
Next Turn Distance Event 
Next Turn Enum 
Navigation Data Example 
Accessing Media Data 
Media Playback Status 
Integrating Vendor Extension 
When to Use VEC 
Android Mobile Device 
Using Verification Certificates 
Sample Applications 
Head Unit 
Sample Implementation 
Use Cases 
Autostart Application 
Determine Android Auto 
Initialize Vendor Extension Channel 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Integrating Radio 
Radio Service Discovery 
Radio Properties 
Messaging Between HU and MD 
Example Radio Sequences 
Radio Playing During MD Connection 
Tuning to Station in Projection Mode 
Tuning to Station in Native Mode 
Scanning Stations in Projection Mode 
Audio Focus When Integrating Radio 
Radio Hard Buttons 
Appendix A: Vehicle ID 
Unique ID per HU 
Minimum 64 Bits 
Example: Generate Vehicle ID 
Appendix B: Document History 
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Today’s mobile devices are packed with technology—the latest hardware and software, 
high-speed mobile networks, and an ever-expanding universe of connected services and 
applications. Their convergence empowers users with new ways to communicate, enjoy 
digital content, access information, learn, and navigate the world around them. 
Unfortunately these devices were not designed to be used while driving. 
Android Auto ( ) enables seamless integration between mobile devices 
and vehicles, allowing drivers to access and control technology on mobile devices using an 
interface that’s easier and safer to use while driving. This document describes the integration 
that enables automotive in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems to leverage the compute 
power, connectivity, and applications of modern mobile devices through Android Auto 
Projection (AAP) technology. It is intended for automotive infotainment engineering 
development teams who want to integrate AAP on a head unit. It does not describe the 
low-level AAP protocol implementation abstracted by a sender and receiver library on both 
the head unit (HU) and the mobile device (MD). For details, refer to the AAP receiver library 
About Android Auto Projection (AAP) 
AAP bridges mobile devices and vehicles to enable drivers to access the capabilities of the 
device through the physical human machine interface (HMI) controls provided by the vehicle. 
The mobile device manages all user interface (UI), software logic, connectivity, and compute 
power for applications, and projects these applications into the vehicle through AAP. 
Figure 1. Android Auto Projection (AAP) architecture
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AAP architecture leverages the strongest attributes of both vehicle and mobile device to 
create an optimal driving experience.  
From the vehicle , the Android Auto integration leverages: 
● Human machine interface (HMI) better suited for use while driving 
● Highly accurate vehicle data with better information about the driving environment 
From the mobile device , the Android Auto integration leverages: 
● Latest computing hardware platform 
● Latest software platform 
● Latest high speed data connectivity to the cloud via latest mobile data networks 
● Evolution of hardware, software, and connectivity at consumer electronics pace 
The platform implementation supports USB 2.0, but the protocol itself is transport-agnostic 
and runs over any transport with sufficient bandwidth (future implementations may utilize 
Wi-Fi Direct). The AAP protocol includes separate channels to manage data streams between 
mobile device and vehicle: 
Control (bi-directional) . Manages link initialization and setup of channels for media, 
input, etc. 
Video Output (device-to-vehicle) . Sends H.264 video from the mobile device to the 
vehicle for display on the main console display. 
Audio Output (device-to-vehicle) . Carries audio from the mobile device to the vehicle 
for output through the vehicle speakers (AAC with 48k, AAC or PCM for 16k). 
Vehicle Data (vehicle-to-device) . Carries vehicle-associated (GPS, wheel speed, etc.) data 
from the vehicle to the mobile device. 
Input (vehicle-to-device). Sends input events to the mobile device from input devices on 
the vehicle, such as touchscreens, buttons, controllers, etc. 
Microphone Audio (vehicle-to-device) . Used by the mobile device to receive audio 
captured by the vehicle microphone. 
Bluetooth (bi-directional) , Navigation Status (device-to-vehicle) , Media Browse 
(device-to-vehicle) . Used for communication of Bluetooth data, Navigation status and 
information, and Media browsing information, respectively. 
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Mobile Device 
The architecture on the mobile device consists of the following components: 
Mobile Platform . Provides the operating system and application framework that 
powers the mobile device. 
Protocol Sender . Provides the mobile device AAP implementation of and plugs into 
mobile platform interfaces (video, audio, input, etc.) for a seamless user experience. 
Automotive APIs . Operates on top of the protocol sender and defines a standardized 
API for developers to create applications using the head unit to interact with a driver. 
Throughout this document and its diagrams, the mobile device is referred to as the MD .  
Head Unit  
The architecture on the head unit consists of the following high-level components. 
This document describes high-level components unique to AAP and does not 
provide a detailed overview of the entire head unit software stack. 
Head Unit OS . The operating system (Android, Linux, QNX, Windows, etc.) environment 
software stack that powers the on-board infotainment experience. 
OS Adaptation Layer . The OS-specific abstraction layer between the head unit OS and 
the AAP receiver. The layer implements AAP receiver bindings and translates the 
message call and data to native head unit OS subsystems. Google provides reference 
implementations for Android and QNX in source form, but does not provide a 
commercial implementation. 
Android Auto Projection Receiver . The head unit implementation of AAP that connects 
with unit OS interfaces (video, audio, connectivity, input, etc.) through the OS Adaptation 
Layer to enable an integrated user experience. Google provides the receiver library as 
portable C++ source code. 
Throughout this document and its diagrams, the head unit is referred to as the HU
NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” is per the IETF standard defined in 
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 Head Unit Requirements 
To support AAP, automotive head units (HUs) MUST include the following minimum 
capabilities (unless explicitly specified otherwise): 
Connectivity  USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Host 
● Standard USB-A port 
● >50 Mbits/s throughput 
● Support USB 2.0 CDP specification 
● Host support for Android Open Accessory 
(AOA) protocol 
● Support USB Hub (may be exposed in HU 
debug mode only) 
● Hands-Free Profile (HFP) 1.5 
● PIN or numeric comparison pairing 
The HU SHOULD equip USB 
current-limiting and 
adequate power supply to 
avoid VBUS shutdown . 1
Cellular data is OPTIONAL. 
H.264/AVC Baseline Profile hardware 
● H.264 BP level 3.1 REQUIRED for both 
sides to guarantee 800x480 
● H.264 BP level 3.2 REQUIRED for 720p (if 
HU supports this resolution) 
● H.264 BP level 4.2 REQUIRED for 1080p (if 
HU supports this resolution) 
● Max frame rate of 30 FPS or 60 FPS 
● Frame rate (continuous or 
noncontinuous) between the max frame 
rate and 5 FPS 
● Any AAP HU integration MUST support 
480p at 30 FPS as the minimum default 
For details, see Integrating 
1 The USB-IF Battery Charging Specification v1.2 section 4.1.4 Shutdown Operation lists three methods 
of shut down. HU SHOULD avoid VBUS shut down as this also terminates the Android Auto connection.  
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● PCM (raw) audio RECOMMENDED; AAC-LC 
if necessary 
● Mixer to combine & route audio streams 
PCM raw audio 
● 3.13” min height 
● 5.20” min width, assuming min height 
● 16-bit color (24-bit color RECOMMENDED) 
● Pixel Aspect Ratio between 0.9 - 1.1 
● Speakers (any) 
● Microphone 
● Dedicated “Voice” button (preferred on 
steering wheel) 
● "Answer Call" and "End Call" button 
● Master volume (physical) control 
● One (1) of the following input devices:  
○ Touchscreen 
○ 5-way (Dpad) 
○ Rotary controller 
○ Touchpad 
Larger displays might 
require up-scaling of source 
video; see Matching Physical 
Display Size . Consult your 
Google technical contact 
early to confirm support for 
your display size. 
Support for controller-based 
inputs (such as rotary dials). 
Input hard-buttons map to 
corresponding Android 
Keycodes for media control 
or DPad. Additional 
(OPTIONAL) physical 
controls supported. 
Screen Support 
The screen height and width requirements in inches are valid based on current Android Auto 
projected UI constraints. While these are easy values to understand and measure and are 
useful for making quick decisions about compatible hardware, they are not definitive. 
The definitive set of four criteria for screens that satisfy system requirements are as follows: 
● Minimum horizontal width MUST be 748dp . 2
2 Density-independent pixels (dp) defined at
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● Minimum vertical height MUST be 450dp. 
● Minimum text size for secondary text on the Android Auto UI MUST be 12 arcmin. Ex: a 
capital H in the second line of text in a list is rendered at the secondary text size. 
● 64dp tap target size MUST be >= 11.3 mm square. Applies to touchscreens only. 
Partners MUST use the Screen Size Calculator in the Partner Toolkit to definitively determine 
compatibility. Input parameters are (a) diagonal screen size, (b) resolution, (c) pixel aspect 
ratio, and (d) viewing distance; output is the advertised dpi. For details on the importance of 
advertised dpi, see Selecting Video Resolution .  
The calculator contains JavaScript for demonstrating the calculations and algorithm used to 
determine Android Auto screen size compatibility. 
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Android Auto Projection Integration 
To act as an endpoint, a head unit (HU) MUST include the AAP Receiver Library and 
implement the operating system (OS) Adaptation Layer that associates Receiver Library APIs 
to the native HU OS. 
Receiver Library and Protocol Versions 
This document covers version 1.2 of the AAP Receiver Library and AAP Protocol. Google 
recommends that partners integrate the most recent version of the Receiver Library 
available. Version 1.2 includes the following new features: 
● Suppress status icons 
● Report pixel aspect ratio and viewing distance 
● Report any dead reckoning performed on GPS data 
● Radio interface added  
AAP Receiver Library 
The AAP Receiver Library provides a full protocol endpoint solution in the form of a portable 
C++ library for the HU. The library handles the low-level protocol packet-framing, channel 
management, authentication, etc. However, it does not include OS-specific bindings required 
to complete the integration with relevant (video, audio, input, etc.) HU subsystems. 
The Receiver Library implements and encapsulates AAP interactions 
between the HU and mobile device (MD). To ensure compatibility with MD 
implementations, do not modify or re-implement this protocol. 
In the source code distribution, the library is compiled as part of the Android build. Google 
also includes a standalone build file to compile the Receiver Library independently from the 
Android build system. Integrators MUST update the makefile to compile the Receiver Library 
with the same build tools and system libraries as required for the HU software build. 
Open Source code is used by the AAP receiver in the following components: 
● Protocol Buffers: (New BSD license) 
● OpenSSL (not included in repo, but linked): (BSD-like license) 
OS Adaptation Layer 
The OS Adaptation Layer connects the AAP receiver and the host OS for end-to-end 
integration. Integrators MUST implement the AAP receiver interface bindings and connect 
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each interface to the relevant HU subsystem; integrators might also need to recompile the 
Receiver Library with their build toolchain for compatibility with the HU OS environment. 
Google provides reference implementations of the OS Adaptation Layer for Android, Linux, 
and QNX-based systems. Integrators are responsible for the commercial implementation of 
the OS adaptation layer, but may use these reference implementations as a starting point. 
Software Requirements 
The OS Adaptation Layer requires the following platform support. 
C++ STL Support . The base receiver library uses the following STL classes: 
○ Std::deque 
○ Std::set 
○ Std::string 
○ std::vector 
Atomic Refcounting . The receiver library uses atomic reference counting for memory 
management and requires access to an ‘atomic increment and return’ and ‘atomic 
decrement and return’. The supplied implementation utilizes the gcc builtin 
__sync_add_and_fetch() . 
AAP Receiver Interfaces 
The majority of AAP integration work involves implementing receiver interfaces. The 
Integration Details section of this document provides an overview of the integration 
architecture, message flows, and interface definitions for the following receiver interfaces: 
HVAC (future) 
Vehicle Data 
This document does not provide details for interface API definitions, method signatures and 
parameters. For these details, refer to the AAP receiver library documentation
Version Compatibility 
Future versions of the AAP protocol may introduce new features supported only on MDs and 
HUs that implement the new AAP version. However, future AAP versions will maintain 
backwards compatibility with older versions wherever possible. If maintaining protocol 
backwards compatibility is not possible and an MD is incapable of running an earlier AAP 
version, the device will notify the user of the compatibility issue upon initial connection to 
the HU and immediately terminate the AAP connection. 
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Establishing AAP Connections 
AAP connection establishment is the sequence of operations executed on the head unit (HU) 
and mobile device (MD) after the connection is initiated, typically when the user plugs the 
device into the HU. 
When the user initiates connection, the MD executes a series of steps to prepare the 
connection with the vehicle HU. If a step is not necessary, the device skips that step (e.g. if 
the required applications are already installed and set up, the Manage Applications screen 
does not appear). Similarly, if a user has previously authorized a step, the device executes 
that step silently without user interaction.  
Figure 2 . Overview of initial AAP connection establishment (known as First Run ) . 
The initial AAP connection between a MD and HU is known as the First Run or First Run 
Experience (FRX). An AAP connection begins immediately when a user performs one of the 
following actions: 
● Plugs the MD into the vehicle USB connection using a standard USB connector. 
● Powers on the HU with the MD already plugged in. To avoid confusion, if the HU has a 
native setting option that allows users to enable/disable Android Auto connections, this 
setting MUST be enabled by default.  
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The HU initializes the USB host as an Android Open Accessory (AOA) device. For details on 
USB/AOA setup, see Setting Up Transport .  
The HU MUST be able to determine if the MD is compatible with AAP. This is done by 
initiating a AOAP connection and then listening for the correct signals: 
Figure 3 . Overview of AAP connection flow. 
AAP connections SHOULD persist as long as the MD is connected to the HU, or the MD 
terminates the connection. When the HU switches between native and projection mode, the 
AAP connection is kept active even if the AAP video or audio may not be rendered by the HU. 
As the MD cannot know the state of other devices in the system, the HU MUST determine 
how to handle connections from multiple AAP compatible devices. For example, if there is a 
current active AAP connection between a MD and the HU, the HU implementation MUST 
account for a second AAP compatible device being connected. The first MD SHOULD continue 
to have control and additional devices SHOULD simply charge. 
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➊ Connect AAP 
The MD and HU authenticate using an SSL certificate and exchange AAP service discovery 
After establishing an AOAP connection with the MD, the HU initiates negotiation of the AAP 
connection by sending a Version Request to the MD with ReceiverLib function 
GalReceiver::start() . The HU MUST NOT send additional Version Requests or ping 
requests ( GalReceiver::sendPingRequest() ) while awaiting a response from the MD. 
Encrypted packets MUST NOT be sent from HU to MD until authentication is complete.  
If the MD supports AAP and authentication succeeds, the HU receives a Service Discovery 
Request, ie. ReceiverLib IControllerCallbacks::serviceDiscoveryRequestCallback is 
called. If the MD does not support AAP, then a ByeBye message MAY be received by the HU. 
Some MDs that do not support AAP will not send a Service Discovery Request or a ByeBye 
message; in this case the HU SHOULD reset the USB connection no less than 15 seconds after 
calling GalReceiver::start() . 
Figure 4 . Authorizing AAP connection. 
The Allow AAP Connection dialog prompts users to set preferences (OK, CANCEL) for the 
current connection and future connections (see Service Discovery for details on the Vehicle 
ID that triggers First Run Experience). 
Service Discovery 
During the authorization process, the HU sends metadata (relevant properties below) to the 
MD during service discovery. If properties are not basic strings (e.g. “2016” or “Galaxie 
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Sport”) and require decoding, the OEM MUST provide decoding information to Google. 
Required?  Description 
Required  Vehicle manufacturer brand.  
Vehicle model (technical name suffices, but 
partner MUST provide Google with logic to parse 
name provided). 
Model year, as distinct from year of manufacture 
(typically launch year). 
Identifier for the vehicle, ideally regenerated for 
every factory reset performed on the HU. An MD 
connecting to a HU can determine whether this 
is the first time the MD has been connected to 
this HU by comparing vehicle_id. Do not use a 
traceable ID with real-world significance (such as 
the VIN). A valid Vehicle_ID SHOULD be unique 
string per HU, representing longer than 64 bits. 
For details, see Appendix A: Vehicle ID
Indicates the position (left, right, center) of the 
steering wheel, which may influence the position 
of UI elements. 
HU manufacturer (supplier) name or brand. 
HU model, identifier, or platform code. 
HU software build, typically an internal build 
identifier for HU software. If provided, it may be 
the same as the Head_Unit_Software_Version 
(below) or a different value entirely. Google 
issues a new SSL certificate for each compatible 
Android Auto implementation, so having this 
available in production is useful information but 
not required. 
Head_Unit_Software_Version  Required 
HU software version. Typically a version 
identifier a vehicle owner can find in the Settings 
menu of the HU. 
Session Configuration 
Values set to configure the MD behavior during 
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projection (hiding clock, phone signal level and 
battery level indicators). HU can specify if the 
vehicle can play native media while running ASR. 
False when unspecified.  
Uses and requirements for HU service discovery metadata: 
OEM App Filtering. These metadata are used by the Play Store to ensure that the 
correct OEM-authored apps are made available for installation. The values provided by 
the HU for some or all of these Service Discovery fields MUST therefore be unique 
enough to ensure the correct apps can be installed on the correct HU. 
Targeted Disablement. In cases where Google MUST disable AAP on a subset of AAP 
capable devices, the metadata fields are used to determine targeted HUs. The Make field 
must, at a minimum, be a stable and predictable value. For example, use a consistently 
cased OEM marque such as ‘Car Company’ rather than ‘car_company’ or ‘CarCompany’ or 
other variants. Additional fields may be used, but Make MUST be included and SHALL be 
consistent across Android Auto compatible products. 
On first-run, the MD does not send video data until the user grants permission via the MD 
screen. Integrators may choose to draw the user's attention to MD screen with a message on 
the HU. A suggested implementation is: 
1. After establishment of an encrypted AAP connection, start a timer for 3 seconds. 
2. If the timer completes and VideoSink::setupCallback() has not yet been called (i.e. 
video feed not established), display a message instructing user to check the device. 
3. When the MD starts to send video frames, the projected display MUST be shown without 
further user interaction. 
Suggested text for the message is: "Android Auto can't connect right now. When it's safe to 
do so, check your Android phone." 
➋ Manage Applications 
The MD prompts the user to install, update, and configure required applications. This step 
occurs entirely on the MD and does not involve the HU. If all required applications meet 
minimum version requirements and are properly configured, this step is skipped. 
➌ Connect Bluetooth 
When an MD is connected to a specific vehicle for the first time, the MD prompts the user to 
"always enable and pair with this car". If the user accepts, the MD silently connects to the 
vehicle whenever the MD is connected to the vehicle through AAP.  
If the user gives consent, projection is enabled and the MD and HU establish a Bluetooth 
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connection that runs as a background task (for details on automatic AAP Bluetooth 
connections, see Bluetooth ). If user cancels connection, AAP shuts down; on subsequent runs 
the First Run experience executes again. 
➍ Grant Video Focus to MD on request 
The MD enables screen projection to the HU, enabling the HU screen to show projection 
contents when the MD requests video focus. Immediately after projection is enabled:  
● For First Run , the MD requests video focus and the HU SHOULD grant it (as the end user 
is explicitly setting up Android Auto at this time). 
● For subsequent runs , the MD and HU negotiate focus as detailed in Audio Focus and 
Video Focus
➎ Run Tutorial 
For first run the MD projects a tutorial that includes visible content and user interaction on 
the MD screen and on the HU screen. 
➏ Run Disclaimers 
For first run, the MD projects disclaimers that require user consent. 
Figure 5 . Disclaimers presented during first run user experience. 
Without user interaction, the disclaimer MAY automatically timeout after displaying for a 
sufficient time. 
Start Android Auto UI 
The MD projects the Android Auto UI Home screen to the HU display. 
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Setting Up Transport 
The AAP protocol requires a transport connecting the MD and HU. Current implementations 
support USB (and future versions may support Wi-Fi Direct) but the protocol is transport 
agnostic and can support any transport mechanism that provides sufficient bandwidth. 
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 
HU receiver implementations MUST support USB as a transport for AAP. In this configuration, 
the AAP protocol runs on top of the Android Open Accessory Protocol (AOAP) to 
communicate over USB bulk endpoints established between the MD and HU. 
HU implementations MUST support USB 2.0 and AOAP 1.0 or 2.0 . The HU operates as a USB 
Host and AOA accessory. The HU powers the MD, which operates as a USB accessory. 
Figure 6 . USB roles for mobile device and head unit. 
Configuring AOAP 
An Android MD identifies a vehicle as a AAP receiver based on accessory identifiers: 
Manufacturer Name 
Model Name 
Android Auto 
Android Auto 
AAP Protocol Version 
Serial Number 
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Newer mobile devices might advertise as AOAP 2.0, which is backward-compatible with AOAP 
1.0. For details on configuring an AOAP host accessory, refer to Android Open Accessory .  
USB Mode Selection 
MDs and HUs can support multiple USB modes including charge-only, USB Mass Storage, 
MTP, and AOAP. Detecting AOAP/AAP based on connected device type is problematic; to 
prevent compatibility issues, the HU MUST attempt AOAP initiation regardless of connected 
MD USB Vendor ID (VID) and Product ID (PID). To correctly detect and negotiate USB mode 
selection, the host (HU) and client (MD) use the following process: 
1. HU attempts to connect to MD using AOAP and advertise itself as an AOAP accessory . 
2. If MD:  
○ Supports AOAP, it successfully re-enumerates in AOAP mode. 
○ Does not support AOAP, it ignores the AOAP handshake, enabling the HU to 
negotiate other USB modes or charge-only mode. 
Head Unit Responsibilities 
The HU implements the standard AOAP and discovery mechanism. On detecting a USB 
physical connection, the HU MUST switch the device to AOAP accessory mode (irrespective of 
initial VID/PID). 
After the device is in accessory mode, the vendor ID is 0x18D1 (Google) and the product ID is 
0x2D00 or 0x2D01. 
AOAP 2.0 adds extra product IDs for an OPTIONAL USB audio 
interface. If audio support is also enabled by the head unit, then 
product IDs 0x2D04 and 0x2D05 should also be supported. 
Android Auto requires only the accessory functionality. 
If the MD supports AOAP, the HU establishes communication with the MD in USB accessory 
mode. For details on implementing the protocol and discovery mechanism, refer to AOAP
On initiating an Android Auto session, the HU MUST listen for an MD disconnect message 
(ByeBye) that indicates the user has exited or disabled AAP. On receiving the disconnect, the 
HU re-enumerates USB and does not send the request to start Android accessory mode. If 
the HU has not received an explicit user disconnect message for the session, it repeats the 
AOAP process for subsequent connections. 
The HU can terminate the AOAP session with an MD by resetting the USB connection (and 
e.g. re-enumerate using MTP). USB reset is not intended for suspending the AAP 
communication; during normal operation, the USB AOAP session is maintained even if the 
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HU is not actively displaying projection content. For recoverable USB errors that cause a 
temporary interruption in projection, AAP automatically takes video focus on connection 
Mobile Device Responsibilities 
The mobile device is responsible for: 
● Switching to AOAP mode when requested by the HU. 
● Responding to HU initiation of Android Auto connection with an appropriate handshake.  
● Registering and responding to HU Service Discovery declarations during Android Auto 
connection setup.  
After an AOAP connection is established, the HU uses the Android Auto Receiver Library to 
establish a secure, encrypted communication channel (see Authenticating ). 
USB Charging 
HUs MUST support charging-only mode. When an HU USB port is operating as a standard 
downstream port and an MD selects charging-only mode, the HU sends a USB 
SET_CONFIGURATION request that allows the MD to draw current up to 500mA.  
The HU MUST also support CDP as defined in the USB-IF Battery Charging Specification v1.2
The AAP protocol uses industry standard TLS 1.2 with Client Authentication to secure 
communications between the head unit (TLS Client) and mobile device (TLS Server). The first 
step in establishing a AAP connection is mutual authentication between the MD and HU 
following the TLS Client-authenticated TLS handshake protocol. 
Authentication Certificates 
The AAP sender (on the MD) and the AAP Receiver Library (on the HU) perform the core 
mutual authentication protocol. If authentication succeeds, the sender and receiver library 
initiate the AAP projection connection. If the receiver library cannot verify the sender 
certificate, the HU terminates the connection and disconnects AOAP (the MD might attempt 
to reconnect in another USB mode). 
The receiver library on the HU performs the entire certificate verification. While integrators 
do not need to implement this authentication, they MUST ensure the HU securely stores keys 
and passes those keys to the receiver library on request. Software-backed security (such as 
Linux file system permission control) is sufficient, but hardware-backed secure storage is 
strongly RECOMMENDED. 
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The HU and MD establish mutual trust using two (2) certificates signed by the Google CA: 
● HU certificate sent to MD, which verifies it to ensure the HU is a valid AAP receiver. 
● MD certificate sent to HU, which verifies it to ensure the MD is a valid AAP device. 
Google provides HU certificates to integrators but recommends that integrators request and 
use a unique client certificate for each make/model/year (data not encoded in certificate). 
Public/Private Key Format 
RSA with 2048 bit keys 
Digital Certificate Format 
Authentication Sequence 
The AAP Receiver Library uses the OS Abstraction layer API to retrieve the HU digital 
certificate and private key. After authentication completes, the receiver library notifies the 
HU of the MD identity and initiates the AAP protocol. 
Figure 7 . Mobile device and head unit establish trust using SSL certificates. 
SSL authentication might fail with error “Certificate not yet valid” or “Certificate expired” if 
the internal clock on the HU is incorrect and/or does not match the approximate time on the 
MD. To resolve, the HU MUST obtain the correct time (GPS, Mobile Network/NITZ, NTP, etc.). 
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Setting Up Bluetooth 
To provide a consistent hands-free telephony experience across both the native and 
projection user interfaces, AAP uses Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) for voice telephony 
communication. However, AAP does not use Bluetooth for speech recognition (BVRA) or 
media playback audio streaming (A2DP). 
While AAP needs a Bluetooth HFP for telephony to function during an active AAP session, the 
absence of an active HFP connection will not prevent the AAP pairing process from 
completing. The HU MUST support Bluetooth HFP, but not every MD will always have an 
active Bluetooth connection. For example, the user may have explicitly turned off Bluetooth. 
AAP does not disable other protocols such RFCOMM. 
Bluetooth Pairing & Connection 
After establishing AAP connection, the MD can automatically pair with the HU over Bluetooth. 
If the MD has never paired with the HU before, the HU and MD use the following Bluetooth 
pairing and connection flow: 
Figure 8 . Bluetooth pairing authentication and connection flow when MD has never paired with vehicle. 
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If the MD has previously paired with the HU, the HU and MD use the following Bluetooth 
pairing and connection flow: 
Figure 9 . Bluetooth connection flow when MD has previously paired with vehicle. 
BluetoothService Announcement 
During the service discovery phase, the MD looks for a BluetoothService announcement from 
the HU, which SHOULD include the: 
HU Bluetooth MAC address . If the HU wants the MD to skip the Bluetooth pairing and 
connection process, the HU can declare its Bluetooth MAC address as 
SKIP_THIS_BLUETOOTH (a useful trick when development and debugging). 
HU supported Bluetooth pairing methods . AAP supports both PIN and numeric 
comparison as pairing methods. 
Protocol Messages for Bluetooth Pairing 
After the HU provides a valid Bluetooth MAC address and supported pairing methods, the 
MD and HU use the following AAP messages to establish Bluetooth pairing and connection. 
Sent by MD to request exchange of Bluetooth pairing 
information; can resend this message anytime to fix a 
corrupted state. Receiving HU MUST send 
BluetoothPairingResponse within 1 second.  
This message includes the device Bluetooth MAC address and 
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the pairing method that will be used by the device. 
Sent by an HU in response to BluetoothPairingRequest. 
Because requests may be re-sent anytime by an MD attempting 
to fix a corrupted state, a HU MUST be able to handle multiple 
BluetoothPairingRequest messages in the same AAP 
connection. An HU MUST send a response within one (1) 
second of receiving the BluetoothPairingRequest. 
If the HU can be ready to pair (using the pairing method 
specified in the request) within one (1) second of receiving the 
BluetoothPairingRequest, it sends a BluetoothPairingResponse 
with STATUS_SUCCESS as the status. 
Readiness . To be ready, the HU MUST set the AAP MD 
priority as the highest and make the HU Bluetooth module 
discoverable by the MD. The HU MUST NOT make any HFP 
connections with other (non AAP) devices until the AAP 
connection ends. 
Previously Paired . An HU MUST send a 
BluetoothPairingResponse even when already paired with 
the MD (necessary when the MD loses pairing information 
and must re-initiate pairing). 
Success . When the HU sends a BluetoothPairingResponse 
with STATUS_SUCCESS as the status code, the HU MUST 
include already_paired field in the message. This field 
value MUST be true when the HU already has a link key 
(pairing information) for the Android Auto connected 
device (vehicle believes it is already paired with the 
Pairing . After receiving a BluetoothPairingResponse with 
STATUS_SUCCESS as the status code, the MD initiates the 
pairing and connection process with the HU. If each side 
has the link key (pairing information) for the other side, 
the pairing step is skipped and the MD initiates the HFP 
connection only. 
If the HU cannot be ready to pair within one (1) second of 
receiving a BluetoothPairingRequest, it SHOULD send a 
BluetoothPairingResponse with 
MD receives this message, it ignores the already_paired field 
and assumes the HU will send another 
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BluetoothPairingResponse with STATUS_SUCCESS as the status. 
Sent by an HU to provide authentication data for Bluetooth 
pairing (after MD initiates pairing). The MD uses the data to 
complete pairing. If data is valid, the MD and HU pair and 
connect to HFP. Auth data is a UTF-8 character encoded string 
containing the passkey or numeric comparison value. 
After pairing, the HU can request the Bluetooth Phone Book Access Protocol (PBAP). If the 
user opts into PBAP, the HU Bluetooth module MAY synchronize the local address book data 
with the MD contact database. However, the HU MUST coordinate the AAP and PBAP 
initialization and present a sensible UI (i.e. no overlapping windows for pairing permissions). 
The HU MUST handle the following edge cases during pairing: 
HU connected to a separate MD engaged in a Bluetooth call . HU MUST return 
STATUS_BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DELAYED  in a PairingResponseMessage to indicate 
the requesting MD SHOULD wait for a response. After the call ends, the HU sends a 
BluetoothPairingResponse message with STATUS_SUCCESS to the requesting MD to 
indicate the HU is ready to accept a call and in Bluetooth discovery mode. 
Upper limit of connected Bluetooth devices reached blocks AAP pairing. Many HUs 
have an upper limit to the number of supported paired BT devices. The HU might block 
an otherwise successful AAP connection because the paired device limit has been 
reached. To avoid blocking AAP connections based on device limit: 
○ We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that an HFP connection is established. 
○ We STRONGLY RECOMMEND automatically dropping the least recently used pairing. 
○ The HU MAY display a message to users informing them a connection was removed 
to allow pairing to complete. 
○ The HU MAY walk the user through dropping at least one already-paired device so 
AAP connection can continue. 
○ If an AAP connection was prevented due to reaching the paired device limit, the HU 
MUST notify the user of the maximum number of paired devices are already used on 
the HU. 
Non-AAP MD attempts to pair . HU MUST allow pairing with the AAP connected MD but 
MAY choose to allow or disallow pairing with other MDs. 
Bluetooth disabled on HU . HU MUST enable Bluetooth and pair requesting MD. 
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HFP Connection 
After pairing, the MD attempts to connect to Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP). If the HU 
can support only one HFP connection at a time, the HU MUST allow connections to the AAP 
connected MD: 
● If Bluetooth connection process is in progress before projection mode begins, the HU 
MUST continue the connection process after switch to projection mode. 
● Projection mode telephony functions MUST be disabled on the MD and HU until the HFP 
connection is established. 
● Regardless of whether HU is connected to another device, the HU MUST allow a 
Bluetooth connection with the MD as soon as possible (see edge cases below).  
● MD cannot connect to other device for HFP while AAP is connected. 
● HU SHOULD suppress UI elements exposing PBAP or MAP when AAP is connected, and 
cannot connect to other device for HFP while AAP is connected. 
The mobile device MUST handle the following use cases when connecting to Bluetooth: 
MD playing audio. If the MD is connected to an A2DP device (including vehicle), AAP 
leaves the A2DP connection intact. As with other HU media streams such as FM radio, 
AAP expects the HU to correctly manage audio focus with an active A2DP device. A2DP 
SHOULD be treated by the OEM as another source, such as a USB stick or radio. For 
example, if the user chooses to play music via Android Auto, and was previously 
streaming from an A2DP source, the HU SHOULD grant the request from Android Auto 
to change audio focus to Android Auto. For details, see Audio Focus . 
MD on a non-Bluetooth call . MD connects to the HU and routes the call over Bluetooth. 
MD on a Bluetooth call . MD continues Bluetooth call and displays projection mode. 
MD on a call to HFP device . MD continues the call, disconnects from the other HFP 
device, and connects to HFP on the vehicle. 
Additional Bluetooth Profiles 
Android Auto uses only Bluetooth HFP. However, during an Android Auto session, the HU 
MAY maintain one or more of the following additional Bluetooth profile connections: 
● Message Access Protocol (MAP) 
● Phonebook Access Protocol (PBAP) 
● Personal Area Network (PAN) 
● Remote SIM Access Protocol (RSAP) 
Such connections MUST be managed so they do not interrupt the Android Auto experience. 
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Bluetooth Reconnection 
If Bluetooth disconnects or is lost during an active AAP connection, the MD continuously 
attempts to connect to HFP. The HU MAY (but is not required to) attempt to connect to HFP, 
but MAY NOT connect to another Bluetooth device; both MD and HU MUST disable all 
projection mode telephony functions until HFP reconnects. If Bluetooth pairing is lost or 
reconnect attempts repeatedly fail, the MD may re-initiate Bluetooth pairing after exchanging 
BluetoothPairingRequest/BluetoothPairingResponse messages. 
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Integrating Video 
This section provides a technical overview of AAP video integration (for details, refer to the 
VideoSink in the AAP receiver library documentation ). In projection mode, the mobile device 
(MD) controls video on the head unit (HU) screen and displays a video stream encoded by the 
MD. The HU MUST display projected video full-screen on the primary center console display.  
Video Format 
H.264 elementary byte stream 
Baseline Profile 
During initial service discovery, the MD and HU negotiate the screen resolution, density, pixel 
aspect ratio (PAR), and maximum frame rate of the primary display. The MD renders and 
encodes content in the negotiated configuration (no upscaling or downscaling required). We 
strongly recommend HUs use a hardware video decoder capable of rendering full-screen 
video of at least 60 frames per second (FPS) to match the typical mobile device 60 FPS UI 
redraw rate. For lower end hardware, HUs can specify a 30 FPS video stream frame rate. The 
higher the frame rate, the lower latency for input events (especially for touch gestures). 
To preserve bandwidth and power, the AAP protocol sends video frames only for projection 
UI updates (and does not send frames when no updates are available). However, HU video 
decoders MUST avoid adversely affecting latency by not entering power-saving mode even 
when not receiving frames. 
At runtime, MD selects from supported resolutions and frame rates to determine actual 
frame rate. Selection depends on many factors such as device power state and is the reason 
for the required resolution of 800x480 at 30 FPS. Frame rate may change either continuously 
or in discrete jumps to optimize system performance, e.g., from 30 FPS to 29 FPS, or directly 
from 15 FPS to 5 FPS. 
H.264 video sent from MD contains only I frames and P frames 
(buffering set to minimum). HU SHOULD decode each frame 
without waiting for additional frames. 
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 Selecting Video Resolution 
AAP MDs support the following codec resolutions; HU video decoders MUST support at least 
800x480 and OPTIONALLY more of the following: 
Codec Resolution 
Max Video Bit Rate (kbits/s)  Max Frame Rate 
60 FPS 
60 FPS 
60 FPS 
Because hardware video encoders/decoders are optimized to support a set of fixed video 
resolutions, using non-standard codec resolutions can result in significant performance loss.  
The MD and HU negotiate video resolution during the initial AAP protocol handshake: 
1. During AAP service discovery, the MD requests the VideoConfigurations supported by 
the HU. 
2. After establishing the video channel, the HU sends a Config Message with a prioritized 
list of indices (most preferred first) for the previously-provided VideoConfigurations. 
3. MD selects a configuration based on HU preference and device hardware encoder 
4. MD sends a Start message (with the index of the selected configuration) to HU. 
Request the Highest Resolution Possible 
The HU SHOULD request the highest resolution video that the protocol supports and 
gracefully handle all lower resolutions. For example: 
● If the native screen is 1920x1080, the HU SHOULD advertize support for 1080p, 720p, and 
the required 480p. 
● If the native screen is 1024x720, the HU SHOULD advertise support for 720p with 
appropriate pillarbox margins and the required 480p. 
Not all MDs support encoding video at 1280x720 or 1920x1080 codec resolution. However, 
more MDs will support generating higher resolution video streams and HUs SHOULD 
anticipate supporting high resolutions. 
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Selecting a Density to Report 
Each VideoConfiguration contains a density. Every screen has a physical density expressed as 
the number of physical pixels in each inch, known as dots per inch (DPI). 
In Android, displays are bucketed into one of six generalized densities ; previously, Google 
encouraged Android Auto partners to report VideoConfiguration density as one of these 
densities, most commonly 160 or 240. It is now REQUIRED to report the preferred density 
calculated by the Screen Size Calculator (for details, see Head Unit Requirements ). 
The reported density from the Screen Size Calculator optimizes the 
Android Auto UI (in density-independent pixels), font size for 
maximum legibility given a viewing distance, and tap target size. It 
does this while minimizing pillarboxing or letterboxing of the UI 
inside the video stream. 
Matching Physical Display Size 
HU displays rarely have standard physical sizes or match AAP supported resolutions or 
aspect ratios, making a 1:1 rendering of the projection UI to the HU display impractical. 
Displays that use non-square pixels SHOULD use AAP v1.2 (or higher) and report pixel ratio 
to the MD, which can apply correction on the picture sent to the HU to account for 
non-square pixels.   
To support a wide range of in-vehicle display hardware, AAP uses a logical UI resolution that 
is always less or equal to the codec resolution of the transported video stream. MDs render 
content only in the area specified by the UI resolution, with horizontal and vertical margins 
padded (using pre-set buckets of specific codec resolutions) to match the logical UI 
When the MD encodes a video stream, it fills horizontal and vertical margins with an arbitrary 
color. The OS abstraction layer decodes the stream, clips it to the UI resolution size, and 
discards the margins: 
3 has details on screen density support in the Android platform. 
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Figure 10 . Codec-to-UI resolution. 
The MD may not completely 
fill the UI Resolution area 
with visible UI and instead 
place black bars at the top 
and bottom (letterbox) or at 
the sides (pillarbox). 
Integrations SHOULD NOT 
attempt to account for such 
bars as they may change 
over time. 
Required Video Stream Support 
Many MDs are limited to output 800x480 H.264 video at 30 FPS. All HU integrations are 
therefore REQUIRED to handle 800x480 video stream in addition to higher resolution 
To display 800x480 projection on a higher resolution HU screen, the integrator MAY letterbox 
the content (i.e., display at original resolution with appropriate margins) or up-scale the 
projected feed to a higher display resolution while maintaining aspect ratio. Such 
integrations MUST be discussed with Google at earliest opportunity to confirm support. 
Video Focus 
AAP enables users to seamlessly switch back and forth between the native UI and projection 
UI, requiring a robust video focus negotiation model. However, because the main console 
display is also used for safety-critical features (such as a backup camera), the HU always 
controls video focus and determines when the MD can project content to the screen. 
AAP includes two (2) main focus modes, Projection and Native . For transient native screens 
(such as turn-signal activated blind spot cameras expected to show for a short time only) a 
third focus mode is available: Native Transient . From the HU perspective, Native Transient is 
the same as Native; the purpose is to provide behavioral hints to the MD. In addition, 
transient Native content MAY overlay the Projection video. 
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During connection setup video focus MUST NOT be granted to the MD by the HU 
(VIDEO_FOCUS_PROJECTED) until VideoSink::setupCallback() has been called. 
Attempting to grant video focus to the MD before or during VideoSink::setupCallback() 
will cause a failure in the VideoSink. 
MD sends video 
HU sends touch/controller events 
Native Transient 
For details, see Overlay 
Projection Mode 
In projection mode, the HU renders a fullscreen video stream from the MD and forwards all 
touch/controller events to the MD. This is the preferred mode for active AAP connections. 
Native Mode 
In native mode, the HU renders the full-screen native UI (i.e. backup camera) and the MD 
does not stream video to the HU. After native mode interactions complete, the HU SHOULD 
return video focus to projection. If projection is active but HU has video focus, the HU MUST 
send the MD appropriate key events (launch Google Search from native, 
KEYCODE_MEDIA/GUIDANCE, forwarded from native). 
HUs can display short, transient overlays on top of projected video content. If the overlay: 
● Has simple straight-line boundaries and obscures less than 30% of the screen area, 
input events MAY be sent to Android Auto from the unobscured screen region only. 
● Obscures large portions of the screen or has complex boundaries, input events MUST 
NOT be sent to Android Auto from anywhere on the screen.  
Mode Examples 
After establishing an AAP connection, including the MD announcing the video encoder is 
ready (listen for IVideoSinkCallbacks::setupCallback 
, the HU remains in native mode but 
the MD can request video focus immediately. The HU MUST notify the MD immediately when 
video focus changes. 
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Figure 11 . Head unit notifies mobile device of video focus grant. 
HUs SHOULD use native mode only to perform functions not available in projection mode; if 
an HU can provide native functions using a video overlay then AAP maintains video focus. For 
example, if a user presses a climate control hard button to display overlaid video (e.g. 
updated temperature set point), the HU SHOULD NOT switch to native mode to display the 
climate control UI. If the climate control UI is a modal dialog overlaid on top of projection 
mode, the HU SHOULD direct user inputs to the native UI (and not the projected UI). 
Figure 12 . User accesses climate control. 
Video Focus Requests 
The MD can send video focus requests to the HU to request video focus be granted to 
projection mode. In general, the HU SHOULD grant video focus requests unless it is unsafe to 
do so (i.e. vehicle is in reverse and the HU MUST show backup camera). The MD sends video 
focus requests only in response to a direct user action, such as key input or voice command. 
In response to a video focus request, the HU sends a video focus notification to the MD, 
indicating the new video focus mode.  
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For example, the following flow shows a user issuing a speech recognition request to the MD: 
Figure 13 . User requests MD to “navigate home”. 
The HU might not immediately honor a request for video focus, such as when the vehicle is 
in REVERSE and the HU is displaying the backup camera. In such cases, the HU does not deny 
the focus request but delays granting video focus to projection mode until after the backup 
camera is no longer required (i.e. vehicle is in DRIVE). 
Figure 14 . User requests MD to “navigate work” while native reversing camera in use. 
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Latency, Flow Control & Clock Skew 
AAP video streams are real-time, enabling the HU to render streams immediately. However, 
streams use an n-ACK based flow control scheme to enable the video source to throttle 
throughput when under load. AAP considers two (2) latencies: video setup and video output: 
Video setup latency (max) 
Video output latency (max) 
Video setup latency is the time required by the vehicle to establish the video stream and 
includes the time necessary to perform any on-screen transition to projection mode and 
power on the primary display. 
Video output latency is the delay between a video frame being made available from the AAP 
receiver and reproduction of the video on the primary display. Output latency includes video 
buffering performed by the in-vehicle graphics pipeline, video codec decoder latency, and 
display latency. 
The user-visible video latency is higher than the listed video output latency because the latter 
does not include encoder and transport delays. 
Figure 15 . Video latency (listed + user-visible). 
Because the MD does not render continuously, the HU MUST report the depth of its decoder 
pipeline so the MD can send enough idle frames to ensure the display updates properly. This 
means decoder depth increases MD power consumption in addition to increasing latency. 
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Integrating Audio 
This section describes AAP audio architecture, audio streams, audio focus management, and 
audio management policy. Modern vehicles use deterministic audio policies to manage 
multiple audio streams. AAP introduces additional audio streams from mobile device (MD) 
applications, so integrators MUST ensure their existing architecture and audio policy 
successfully manages streams across the MD and the vehicle head unit (HU).  
This section uses the following terminology: 
Audio Source (output) . Logical endpoint that generates audio data and sends to an 
audio stream. 
Audio Sink (input) . Logical endpoint that receives audio content from an audio stream 
(e.g. in-vehicle speakers). 
Audio Stream . Named combination of an audio source and audio sink. 
Audio Streams 
Output audio streams are sent from the MD to the HU; input audio streams are sent from 
the HU to the MD.  
AAP includes one (1) audio input stream for Microphone , one (1) bi-directional audio stream 
for Legacy In-Call Bluetooth audio, and four (4) audio output streams: 
user interface feedback 
driver guidance 
conversational voice 
cabin media 
* As defined in the receiver library AudioSink.h 
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Streams transmit audio to and from the vehicle using the following architecture: 
Figure 16 . Audio stream architecture. 
Streams use the following transports and codecs: 
Protocol  4
device-to-vehicle  AAP (future) 
(OPTIONAL) 16 bit, 16 kHz, mono 
device-to-vehicle  AAP 
PCM 16 bit, 16 kHz, mono 
device-to-vehicle  AAP (future) 
(OPTIONAL) 16 bit, 16 kHz, mono 
device-to-vehicle  AAP 
(OPTIONAL) 16 bit, 48 kHz stereo 
vehicle-to-device  AAP 
PCM 16 bit, minimum 16 kHz, mono 
Legacy In-call  bi-directional 
Bluetooth SCO  HFP 1.5 (SCO/CVSD) 
UI (device-to-vehicle) 
The UI feedback audio output stream is intended for short audio feedback (beeps, chimes, 
etc.) in response to UI input. This audio is typically mixed with other audio playback at 
constant volume without pause or ducking, and can be mixed on top of other streams. 
Additionally, this audio is often intended for the driver and can be routed to audio channels 
4 AAC-lc format is: RAW AAC frame without header, decoded buffer size in one frame: 1024 samples for 16 kHz, 
2048 samples for 48 kHz. 
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aimed at the driver. The HU decides which output channels receive this audio stream; the MD 
does not send focus requests for this stream. For details, see Audio Focus Policy . AAP does 
not currently use the UI stream.  
Guidance (device-to-vehicle) 
The guidance audio output stream plays high-priority transient audio such as traffic warnings 
and spoken turn-by-turn navigation instructions. This audio is often intended for the driver 
and can be routed to audio channels aimed at the driver. The HU decides which output 
channels receive this audio stream. 
Voice (device-to-vehicle) 
(Not currently supported) The voice stream is designed to handle telephony and the voice 
audio output stream plays conversational voice audio such as voice call output. This audio is 
often intended for the driver and can be routed to specific audio output channels aimed at 
the driver. The HU decides which output channels receive this audio stream. 
Guidance and Voice are distinct streams because the vehicle HU SHOULD mix 
the Guidance stream at a higher priority. 
While future versions of AAP may use the voice stream for telephony, current 
implementations use Bluetooth for telephony (see Legacy In-Call stream). 
Media (device-to-vehicle) 
The media audio output stream plays low-priority, long-form media from applications on the 
MD such music, audiobooks, podcasts, Internet radio, etc. This audio is typically intended for 
the entire cabin, and SHOULD be routed to the main cabin audio sink. This audio source 
SHOULD never play on top of any other source and focus MUST be mutually exclusive with 
vehicle media. For details, see Audio Focus Policy
Microphone (vehicle-to-device) 
The microphone audio input stream captures microphone audio using the built-in vehicle 
microphones and transmits that audio to the MD, which can use it for voice calls, speech 
recognition, etc. 
Legacy In-Call (bi-directional) 
In-call voice audio is currently routed over a Bluetooth HFP/SCO link instead of the AAP 
protocol. In future mobile device implementations, the voice call audio stream will route 
over the microphone (input) and voice (output) streams over the AAP connection. 
Negotiation of the voice call audio link is performed using Bluetooth Hands-Free Protocol 
(HFP) and is not detailed in this document. 
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Audio Focus 
Audio focus determines which audio sources can play through which streams to the audio 
sink at a given point in time. If a source has focus, then its audio is routed to the audio sink. 
● Audio focus requests inform the HU the MD wants audio focus. An MD sends a request 
when it wants to play audio. 
● Audio focus notifications inform the MD of the current audio focus state. An HU sends 
a notification in response to audio focus requests or unsolicited (prompted by external 
Android Auto integrators MUST consider changes in audio focus state between the MD and 
the HU. Even simple user interactions (such as starting music) can cause the audio focus 
state to change multiple times. For example, a user listening to vehicle FM radio can connect 
an Android MD, launch projection mode navigation with guidance, then press the 
push-to-talk (PTT) button on the steering wheel to find a contact to call over Bluetooth. 
The Android Auto protocol provides the appropriate projection mode requests and Receiver 
responses to accommodate known use cases. Integrators MUST use those requests and 
responses to design a seamless user experience across the MD and the HU.  
Audio focus is completely separate from video focus. 
AAP audio sources are additions to existing audio sources. To assist the HU in prioritizing all 
in-vehicle audio streams, AAP uses the following audio focus negotiations: 
● User MUST be able to view native HMI while playing audio streams from the MD. 
● User MUST be able to view projected video content while playing audio streams from 
the vehicle. 
● Switching audio sources does not require switching video focus. 
● Switching video focus does not require switching audio focus. 
AAP audio focus management is based on the Android audio focus model .  
Audio Focus Requests 
Audio focus requests are always made from the MD to the HU. An MD sends an audio focus 
request to the HU when the MD wants to gain focus to play audio.  
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Android Auto supports four (4) types of audio focus requests: 
Request to gain audio focus for unknown duration. Other 
audio sources (i.e. vehicle audio sources) lose focus and stop 
playing audio. MD or the HU can have full (GAIN) audio focus. 
Request to gain audio focus for a short duration. The audio 
source with focus temporarily loses focus, stops playing 
audio, then regains focus when the MD sends the RELEASE 
message. The MD sends this request only when it does not 
already have full (GAIN) focus. 
Request to gain audio focus for a short duration and that it is 
acceptable for other audio sources to keep playing after 
having lowered their output level (referred to as "ducking"). 
The MD sends this request only when it does not already 
have full (GAIN) focus OR GAIN_TRANSIENT focus. 
Request to release audio focus. 
The MD MUST send audio focus requests before playing audio, with exceptions for UI 
feedback stream audio. However, the MD MUST wait (timeout: 500ms) for a confirmed 
response before playing any audio, including UI feedback stream audio. If the timeout 
expires before the device receives a response, the device returns to its previous status. 
If the HU requires time to process Audio Focus Requests (to switch audio paths, initialize 
amps, etc.) then the HU SHALL finish the audioFocusRequestCallback immediately without 
blocking and send its focus notification (see next section) after its required setup has 
completed. If setup is going to take more than 500ms, the HU SHOULD send focus 
notification earlier (to avoid focus request timeout) and add additional delay to audio stream 
by postponing ACK when MD starts sending audio stream until the setup is complete.  
Audio Focus Notifications 
Audio focus responses are sent by the HU to the MD to inform the MD of its focus state. 
These messages MAY be sent in response to audio focus requests or as unsolicited messages 
prompted by external events. For example, the HU sends audio focus notifications to the MD 
when the user selects a native (HU) audio source, such as FM radio, indicating that the MD 
has lost audio focus. 
The audio focus responses include a valid MD audio focus state. For example, a HU response 
of STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT to the MD is logically the same as saying the “MD has been 
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granted the current state of STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT”. 
Android Auto supports several audio focus states for use in audio focus notifications: 
Indicates ... 
MD has gained audio focus (when in response to 
an audio focus request) or regained audio focus 
(when it was temporarily lost). 
MD has gained audio focus for a short duration. 
STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT_GUIDANCE_ONLY  MD has gained audio focus for a short duration 
but is only allowed to play on the GUIDANCE 
MD has gained audio focus but is only allowed to 
play on the MEDIA channel. 
MD can continue playing through MEDIA channel 
if volume is lowered. 
MD has lost audio focus or failed to gain audio 
MD has temporarily lost audio focus or has failed 
to gain audio focus. 
In all situations, the HU makes the final decision on audio focus. However, the HU MUST  
send audio focus notifications before playing audio to enable the MD to synchronize pause 
and duck timing. 
The HU SHOULD also honor the last focus state when receiving a RELEASE notification: 
● If the MD held STATE_GAIN and it relinquished audio focus (RELEASE), the HU SHOULD 
NOT automatically resume playing native music. An event other than an MD focus 
release, either user- or system-initiated, SHOULD trigger the next audio state since the 
MD intended to hold focus for unknown duration. 
● If the MD held STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT and it relinquished audio focus (RELEASE), the 
HU may immediately resume native music since the MD intended to hold focus for a 
short duration. 
Audio Focus Initialization 
After establishing a AAP connection, the HU has audio focus and the MD MUST request focus 
before playing a stream. To ensure an AAP audio implementation provides a seamless audio 
experience when switching from native mode to projection mode, use the following policy:  
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HU playing music . The HU takes audio focus. If the MD is playing music, the HU denies 
audio focus to MD (which stops playback) and continues playing music. If user enters 
projection mode and starts an audio application, the HU begins switch. 
HU not playing music . The HU does not take audio focus. If the MD is playing music, 
the HU grants audio focus to the MD and continues playing music. 
Audio Focus Policy 
The HU and MD MUST manage audio focus according to the following policy: 
1. HU MUST send focus notifications to the MD and indicate the correct focus state before 
playing audio from a native audio source. HU MAY NOT play native audio without 
previously sending a focus notification. If the focus state is unchanged, notification is 
2. MD MUST request audio focus and indicate the desired focus state before playing audio 
from an MD audio source. MD cannot play audio when it does not have audio focus. MD 
can skip the focus request if it already has the desired focus state. 
3. HU MUST grant audio focus requests from the MD in a timely manner.  5
4. MD MUST stop audio playback if the HU is sending an audio focus loss notification (with 
allowances for short duration audio streaming due to asynchronous communication). 
5. After granting audio focus to MD, the HU MUST play the audio stream from the MD. 
6. If the audio focus notification indicates ducking is allowed, HU MAY duck audio on the 
media stream to allow transient audio (from MD or vehicle) on the notification stream. 
Audio Focus Priorities  
The HU and MD MUST manage audio stream priorities for audio focus as indicated below 
(priorities in descending order; lower priority numbers preempt higher numbers):  
Stream  Comments 
Has priority over all other sources because it can carry 
safety-critical and regulatory-mandated audio notifications. 
Has priority over all lower-priority sources. 
● HU MUST grant focus requests to the guidance stream 
unless vehicle notification audio is currently playing. 
● MD audio focus requests typically indicate that other 
streams can duck audio (see Audio Focus Requests ). 
5 Regulatory requirements may require the vehicle to reject other audio while playing regulatory notifications. 
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MD Voice 
Has priority over all lower-priority sources. HU MUST grant 
focus requests to this stream in all cases that do not involve 
higher-priority streams (active guidance or vehicle 
MD Media 
Has low priority. HU MUST grant focus requests to the MD 
media stream and stop playing vehicle media after 
switching focus. If a higher priority source allows ducking, 
these sources can pause or duck. Typically, these sources 
are mutually exclusive (HU cannot play audio from both 
sources simultaneously, ducked or otherwise). 
Has low priority. When the MD has video focus, the HU 
SHOULD always play device UI feedback audio. Typically 
this source mixes with other audio sources without 
Audio Focus Contention & Media Mixing 
Many vehicles support mixing multiple audio streams, which enables an audio source to 
duck under a different source. If a vehicle:  
● Can mix streams, the HU MAY grant STATE_GAIN or STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT. 
● Cannot mix streams, the HU MAY grant STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT_GUIDANCE_ONLY. 
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Focus 
ASR sessions SHOULD have exclusive focus within the car, meaning all sounds SHOULD end 
during a ASR session. Android Auto provides a separate VoiceSessionNotification focus status 
to ensure voice exclusivity:  
● When the MD sends VoiceSessionRequestNotification with VOICE_SESSION_START, the 
HU SHOULD stop all sounds regardless of audio focus state. The MD will also request 
GAIN or GAIN_TRANSIENT focus to play any beep tones and the ASR response.  
● When the in-vehicle automatic speech recognition is in session, the HU takes focus from 
To avoid interference, the HU SHOULD lower fan speed to half 
(55dBA or below) when user activates voice control. When voice 
control ends, resume previous fan speed. 
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Navigation Focus 
In vehicles that include a navigation system, collisions can occur between MD and native 
navigation guidance. Android Auto provides a separate NavFocusNotification focus status 
(separate from STATE_GAIN requests/responses) to prevent such collisions:  
● When the MD sends NavFocusRequestNotification with NAV_FOCUS_PROJECTED, the HU 
SHOULD stop any existing navigation guidance and grant NAV_FOCUS_PROJECTED by 
sending NavFocusResponseNotification.  
● When the HU sends a NavFocusResponseNotification with NAV_FOCUS_NATIVE, the MD 
SHOULD stop any existing navigation guidance and transition to state 
For example, a vehicle that cannot mix streams cannot grant the MD access to the GUIDANCE 
stream during active native navigation guidance. However, the vehicle can grant 
NAV_FOCUS_PROJECTED to an MD, enabling it to play navigation guidance (HU stops native 
guidance). For details, see Integrating Navigation .  
Media (Music) Focus 
Playing media (such as music) always involves full focus. When the MD starts music, it sends 
a GAIN request and the HU replies with one of the following: 
● STATE_GAIN when vehicle has no restriction, or 
● STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY when vehicle is using guidance channel, or 
● STATE_LOSS when vehicle is playing high priority sound after stopping native media. 
When vehicle starts music, the HU sends a STATE_LOSS to stop MD music and guidance. 
System Stream Support 
System sound stream (UI) does not require audio focus as this sound SHOULD be played as 
soon as possible. Support of system stream is OPTIONAL (vehicles are not required to 
support this stream) but lack of support prevents users from hearing system sounds. 
Audio Mixing Guidelines 
Some vehicles support mixing multiple audio streams while others support handling one 
audio stream at a time. The vehicle’s ability to mix GUIDANCE and MEDIA audio streams 
affects the general behavior of audio focus requests and responses in Android Auto 
implementations. In some situations, individual audio focus implementations on the HU will 
reflect special circumstances of the entire vehicle audio system. 
Google expects integrators to use audio requests and audio state responses to provide a 
good user experience in both general and special use cases. If the integrator decides to use a 
single-channel audio source, the HU MUST treat this source as a singular feed and not 
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attempt to adjust volumes based on derived audio source. 
The General Audio Notification Guidelines section contains general guidelines for audio 
notifications. For guidelines that differ depending on mixing capabilities, see Guidelines For 
Mixing Streams and Guidelines for Non-Mixed Streams
General Audio Notification Guidelines 
Regardless of vehicle mixed stream support, integrators can ensure a good user experience 
by using the following audio focus change notification logic.  
When the MD is in: 
STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT , the MD has focus with intent to use audio streams briefly. 
STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY , the MD has focus but is restricted to streaming only to the 
MEDIA channel. The MD does not send additional focus GAIN* requests. 
STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT_GUIDANCE_ONLY , the MD has focus for a short period but is 
restricted to streaming only to the GUIDANCE channel. If an MD application requires full 
focus, the MD MUST send a focus gain request (STATE_GAIN). 
STATE_LOSS_TRANSIENT , the MD does not have focus. Occurs when the HU wants to 
take focus from MD for short period and has sent the MD a STATE_LOSS_TRANSIENT. 
Guidelines For Mixing Streams 
Regardless of vehicle audio capabilities, integrators SHOULD implement the following audio 
focus behaviors (see also Guidelines for Non-Mixed Streams ).  
User launches AAP  MD sends RELEASE request to HU so the HU has default audio focus. 
MD wants to play 
a sound 
MD requests focus by sending GAIN, GAIN_TRANSIENT, or 
HU grants focus to 
HU grants STATE_GAIN or STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT to enable the MD to 
send audio over both MEDIA and GUIDANCE channels. The HU 
SHOULD grant the MD full focus whenever possible. After the HU 
grants focus and the MD is in STATE_GAIN or STATE_GAIN_TRANSIENT, 
MD apps can play guidance over the MEDIA or the GUIDANCE streams.  
For navigation guidance: 
● If HU allows only GUIDANCE, MD plays navigation guidance on the 
GUIDANCE stream. 
● If HU allows only MEDIA, MD plays navigation guidance on the 
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MEDIA stream. 
● If HU allows both GUIDANCE and MEDIA, MD SHOULD play 
navigation guidance on the GUIDANCE stream instead of the 
MEDIA stream. 
Vehicle requires 
HU sends STATE_LOSS to stop sound playing from the MD. For example, 
if the user starts the in-vehicle radio player, the HU sends STATE_LOSS 
to MD and music on the device stops due to focus loss. If the MD MUST 
play music or other audio later, it sends a focus request at that time.  
Alternatively, the HU can send a STATE_LOSS_TRANSIENT, which is 
similar to STATE_LOSS but implies that the loss is transient (temporary); 
i.e. the vehicle intends to stop playing sound after a short time and the 
HU intends to return focus to the MD.  
TRANSIENT states can also notify the MD that the vehicle is about to 
play safety critical warning sounds, in which case the vehicle SHOULD 
NOT wait for the MD to stop playing sound.  
Finally, a STATE_LOSS_TRANSIENT notifies the MD that the MD can 
resume playing when HU returns focus. 
HU can take audio focus from the MD, interrupting MD sound. 
Guidelines for Non-Mixed Streams 
In vehicles that do not support mixing GUIDANCE and MEDIA streams, the MD MUST send 
data one audio stream at a time. Make the following adjustments to audio focus behavior: 
No audio 
when no sound is being played on either the MD or the HU. 
Vehicle has 
focus and 
occupies a 
When the MD cannot play on both GUIDANCE and MEDIA streams, the HU 
STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY notification. The HU grants STATE_GAIN_*_ONLY 
to the MD for the unoccupied channel to prevent interruption on the 
occupied channel.  
For example, in a vehicle playing:  
● Native nav guidance, HU grants STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY to the MD, 
enabling the MD to play on the MEDIA stream.  
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the MD, enabling the MD to announce nav on the GUIDANCE stream. 
Vehicle has 
focus and 
does not 
occupy a 
HU MUST grant MD focus when the vehicle no longer occupies a channel. If 
STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY to the MD, and the HU has finished using the 
channel, the HU MUST restore the audio focus state to the MD. For 
example, after completing a native guidance instruction, the HU SHOULD 
send STATE_GAIN to the MD. 
MD restricted 
stream is 
limited to 
subset of 
focus requests 
RELEASE request. If the HU has a channel restriction, HU may respond with 
The HU SHOULD honor the intent of the audio focus requests. GAIN and 
GAIN_TRANSIENT expect to have exclusive focus. If the HU was previously 
occupying the MEDIA channel, it SHOULD relinquish focus upon receiving 
the MD does not expect to have exclusive focus and could be given 
GAIN requests from MD SHOULD be used to indicate that the MD is taking 
focus for a long-duration audio playback on MEDIA.  
MD restricted 
stream is 
limited to a 
subset of 
focus requests 
If the MD is in a STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY state, the MD cannot send 
GAIN* requests to the HU since STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY is treated the 
same as STATE_GAIN. (STATE_GAIN requests/grants access to GUIDANCE 
and/or MEDIA streams, but STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY requests/grants 
access to the MEDIA stream only.) 
MD stream 
In STATE_*_ONLY states, the MD manages the stream to which audio is sent 
based on the STATE_*_ONLY restriction (this is why GUIDANCE and MEDIA 
streams are general descriptions and not requirements). For example, 
when native navigation guidance is active and MD focus state is 
STATE_GAIN_MEDIA_ONLY, the MD can play short messages on the MEDIA 
Guidelines for Audio Focus & Phone Calls 
In projection mode, phone calls (incoming and outgoing) are handled by Bluetooth. In all 
cases where a phone call is detected, the HU MUST stop playing native sound and the 
MD MUST stop playing its own sound. If the MD has audio focus during the call, it can play 
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sound through allowed channels in response to an explicit user action or by implicit 
permission (the same rule applies to the HU, which can play its own native sound if user has 
allowed). For example, the MD can play navigation guidance during a call.  
If the HU cannot play any sound during a phone call (vehicle cannot mix streams) and the 
MD had focus before the phone call, the HU SHOULD take focus away (LOSS_TRANSIENT) to 
prevent the MD from playing sound. The MD can still request focus in response to a user 
action; however, the HU SHOULD reject MD focus requests while call is active (but restore the 
MD focus state when the call ends). 
If HU can play sound during phone call (vehicle can mix streams), the HU does not need to 
change focus state when the call starts. If the MD had focus before the phone call, it MUST 
stop playing sound when the phone call is detected but retains audio focus, enabling it to 
play sound in response to a user action. If the MD did not have focus before the phone call, it 
MUST first request focus from the HU (which SHOULD grant it) before playing sound in 
response to a user action. 
Focus is re-evaluated after call state change, and Android Audio manager can be still in call 
mode. As a result, the MD may request gain (GAIN or GAIN_TRANSIENT) during an active call. 
The HU should reject the MD focus request while the call is active. 
Audio Focus Examples 
Figure 17 . User enables FM Radio. 
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Figure 18 . User enables Google Music. 
Figure 19 . User enables FM Radio, then Google music. 
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Figure 20 . User enables FM Radio, then MD navigation guidance. 
Figure 21 . HU notification during Google music playback. 
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Figure 22 . HU rejects audio focus request (occurs in safety or regulatory situations). 
Figure 23 . Automatic speech recognition (ASR). 
Audio Focus Mixing vs. Non-Mixing Examples 
This section includes examples of expected behavior for the following use cases: 
● Native Navigation + MD Music 
● MD Navigation & Music + Native FM Radio 
● MD Music + MD Phone Call 
Each example showcases the implementation of general guidelines, guidelines for mixing 
streams, and guidelines for non-mixed streams. The included call flows indicate both mobile 
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device (MD) requests and the vehicle/head unit (HU) responses that set audio state. 
Native Navigation + MD Music 
In this example, the vehicle plays native navigation guidance instructions while a user plays 
music via a music application on the mobile device. 
Figure 24 . Native navigation + MD music, non-mixed streams. 
Figure 25 . Native navigation + MD music, mixed streams. 
MD Navigation & Music + Native FM Radio 
In this example, the HU plays music from a music application on the MD while also playing 
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navigation guidance from the MD. The user then starts the in-vehicle FM radio, which causes 
the MD music application to stop playing music while continuing navigation guidance. 
If the user initiates a new audio source in the middle of an ongoing audio 
stream (e.g. turn-by-turn guidance), AAP truncates the audio stream. 
Figure 26 . MD navigation/music + native FM, non-mixed streams. 
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Figure 27 . MD navigation/music + native FM, mixed streams. 
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MD Music + MD Phone Call 
In this example, the user plays music via a music application on the MD. The MD receives an 
incoming phone call, which prompts the vehicle to stop music and play the call using 
Bluetooth. During the call, the user attempts to play music again via the MD music 
In all cases (mixed streams, non-mixed streams, MD has focus, HU has focus), the music 
stops when the phone call is detected. During the phone call, if the vehicle: 
Cannot mix streams , the HU denies MD requests to start music until the call ends. If 
MD had focus before the incoming call, the HU sends STATE_LOSS_TRANSIENT focus 
state to notify the MD that it cannot play sound while the call is active; when call ends, 
the HU SHOULD restore the focus state. 
Can mix streams , the HU grants MD requests to start music even during active phone 
Figure 28 . MD music + incoming call, non-mixed streams. 
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Figure 29 . MD music + incoming call, mixed streams. 
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Latency, Flow Control & Clock Skew 
AAP audio streams use an n-ACK based flow control scheme. The audio source can 
implement flow control using the ACK messages, including resampling in the case of clock 
skew. The HU SHOULD wait until it receives two frames of audio before starting playback to 
minimize buffer underruns.  
AAP considers two (2) latencies: audio setup and audio output: 
Audio setup latency (max) 
Audio output latency (max) 
Audio setup latency is the time required by the head unit to establish an audio stream, 
measured as the maximum time between an audio focus request to the head unit and a 
response from the head unit. This latency includes the time necessary to: 
● Duck other audio 
● Power Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) and amplifiers 
● Configure head unit mixer 
Audio output latency is the delay between audio being made available from the AAP receiver 
and reproduction of the audio on in-vehicle speakers. This latency includes: 
● Buffering performed by the in-vehicle audio pipeline 
● Audio codec decoder latency 
All AAP audio streams are line-level volume, making the vehicle responsible for applying 
volume levels. The vehicle does not notify the mobile device of volume levels and the mobile 
device cannot request volume levels. However, the head unit can use overlay mode to 
display volume dialogs on top of projection UI. 
Some head units support a global mute state. If the head unit is in global mute state, it can 
reject a mobile device focus request, but SHOULD display a message to the user that 
describes why the sound is not played (global mute state is enabled). 
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Integrating Input Devices 
The head unit (HU) can pass input events from the on-board HMI to the mobile device (MD). 
AAP supports the following input device types: 
● Touchscreens 
● Buttons (including D-Pads) 
● Dials/rotational controllers 
● Touchpads 
To provide access to an input device, OS Adaptation Layer implementations MUST register 
the input device with the AAP receiver when projection starts and report input events to 
the AAP receiver during projection for key events requested by the MD: 
Figure 30 . Input device registration and event reporting. 
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The HU MAY pass touchscreen input events to the MD (AAP limits input events to a single 
touchscreen). To provide access, OS Adaptation Layer implementations MUST register the 
touchscreen input device with the AAP receiver and report touch events to the receiver. 
When video focus is Projection, the HU MUST send all touchscreen events to the AAP receiver 
(see Video Focus ), which provides the InputSource interface that handles input device 
registration and event messaging (for details, refer to the AAP receiver documentation ). 
Users can access the projection UI using physical buttons (including D-Pads) on the head unit 
(HU) HMI. To provide access to physical buttons, OS Adaptation Layer implementations MUST 
register each button with the AAP receiver and report key events to the receiver.  
When projection mode begins, key events available to the mobile device (MD) during 
projection mode MUST register with the AAP receiver. However, vehicles SHOULD send key 
events to the receiver according to key code rules (see table below). Button events that do 
not impact the main console display (window defrost, hazard indicators, etc.) do not need to 
be sent through AAP. 
Button Key Events 
The vehicle sends key events to the MD through basic KeyEvents and keycodes that specify 
the button pressed. AAP uses the standard keycode definitions provided in the Android 
KeyEvent class. The OS Adaptation Layer MUST map all button events to the appropriate 
KeyEvent keycode before passing to the AAP receiver. Both UP and DOWN events MUST be 
transmitted for each keypress. 
Vehicles MUST send key codes to MDs for the standard key events and focus modes: 
Key Code 
Causes projection UI to return to the 
projection home application (or launcher) 
from which all other projection applications 
are accessible. 
Handled by the application. Sending 
Android Auto to lose video focus. For 
details, refer to Android developer 
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ALWAYS  Causes projection UI to open the 
microphone audio stream (see Audio ). 
Sending KEYCODE_SEARCH while the 
microphone audio stream is already open 
closes the microphone audio stream, 
effectively canceling an active ASR session. 
ALWAYS  If a call is active on the legacy Bluetooth 
HFP channel, the ANSWER button SHOULD 
be handled by HU’s HFP application 
(generating call control AT commands as 
needed on the HFP channel). At other 
times, the ANSWER button SHOULD send 
this keycode via AAP. 
If a call is active on the legacy Bluetooth 
HFP channel, the END button SHOULD be 
handled by HU’s HFP application 
(generating call control AT commands as 
needed on the HFP channel). At other 
times, the END button SHOULD send this 
keycode via AAP. 
Indicates selected media SHOULD advance 
to next track or station.  
Indicates selected media SHOULD play. 
Indicates selected media SHOULD play or 
pause (toggle). 
Indicates selected media SHOULD pause. 
Indicates selected media SHOULD return to 
previous track or station. 
Sends DPAD_UP event to projected UI. 
Sends DPAD_DOWN event to projected UI. 
Sends DPAD_LEFT event to projected UI. 
6 Send keys to the mobile device unless the integration uses legacy Bluetooth connection for telephony audio. 
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Sends DPAD_RIGHT event to projected UI. 
Sends DPAD_UP_LEFT event to projected UI. 
Sends DPAD_DOWN_LEFT event to 
projected UI. 
Sends DPAD_UP_RIGHT event to projected 
Sends DPAD_DOWN_RIGHT event to 
projected UI. 
Special keycode used as a device identifier 
and reported during initialization (not sent 
as normal keycode). Rotary controller 
events are sent using relativeEvent api calls. 
The delta value SHOULD be positive for 
clockwise rotation and SHOULD be negative 
for counterclockwise rotation. An absolute 
value of one corresponds to a single step in 
the UI and scales linearly for larger 
absolute values. 
Causes projected UI to switch to media 
Causes projected UI to switch to navigation 
Causes projected UI to switch to telephony 
Special keycode used as a device identifier 
and reported during initialization. Button 
events are sent using absoluteEvent api 
calls. The event value SHOULD be 1 when 
the button is pressed and 0 when the 
button is released. 
Special keycode used as a device identifier 
and reported during initialization. Button 
events are sent using absoluteEvent api 
calls. The event value SHOULD be 1 when 
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the button is pressed and 0 when the 
button is released. 
Special keycode used as a device identifier 
and reported during initialization. Button 
events are sent using absoluteEvent api 
calls. The event value SHOULD be 1 when 
the button is pressed and 0 when the 
button is released. 
† Defined in the Android Auto protocol specification.  
‡ Keycodes that cause the projected UI to switch to a different screen (KEYCODE_MEDIA, KEYCODE_NAVIGATION, 
KEYCODE_TEL) SHOULD also cause Android Auto to request video focus. 
Implementing Button Interface 
The AAP receiver provides the InputSource interface that handles input device registration 
and event messaging. For details on InputSource, refer to the AAP receiver documentation
Rotational Controller Devices 
AAP supports rotational input devices—typically physical dials associated with the main head 
unit. To provide access to these devices, OS Adaptation Layer implementations MUST register 
each device with the AAP receiver and report input events to the receiver. When projection 
mode begins, all absolute and relative value device events that impact the main console 
display MUST register with the AAP receiver.  
Dial Key Codes 
Motion of a rotary controller is modeled as a series of keycodes, with a keypress being sent 
for each step that the controller is moved. For details, see Button Key Codes
Implementing Device Interface 
The AAP receiver provides the InputSource interface that handles input device registration 
and event messaging for all input device types (for details, refer to AAP receiver 
documentation ). 
AAP supports touchpad input devices both as a primary user interface for navigating the UI, 
and as a secondary device used for handwritten text input and map scrolling. To provide 
access to these devices, OS Adaptation Layer implementations MUST register each device 
with the AAP receiver and report input events to the receiver. Touchpads MUST be able to 
send absolute position values, and values for multiple fingers can be sent.  
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Implementing Device Interface 
The AAP receiver provides the InputSource interface that handles input device registration 
and event messaging for all input device types. For details on InputSource, refer to the AAP 
receiver documentation
Devices that support haptic feedback SHOULD register to receive feedback events from the 
MD. OEMs that wish to implement haptic feedback SHOULD work closely with Google to 
determine hardware integration specifics.  
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Integrating Automatic Speech Recognition 
AAP relies on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for safe and convenient use of AAP while 
driving. Voice is the preferred method of in-vehicle interaction and requires careful AAP 
integration. When users launch ASR, the system uses the vehicle cabin microphones and 
passes audio to the mobile device (MD) via the infotainment head unit (HU) and the USB AAP 
link. ASR is assumed to be conversational, involving parallel audio input and audio output. 
Initiating Automatic Speech Recognition 
AAP supports the following ASR initiators: 
Hard Button  
Triggers the active ASR system. Vehicles MUST have a hardware 
button to support push-to-talk (PTT).  
● The button SHOULD be a dedicated ASR button that is 
accessible by the driver. 
● Alternatively, implementors MAY assign ASR to the call button. 
Mobile Device 
MD initiates off-board ASR for specific user actions (such as user 
pressing a soft voice button while in projection mode). 
Typically, a vehicle with Android Auto has two ASR systems: 
Mobile Device ( off-board or MD ASR). Devices have access to powerful ASR engines, 
either on the device or backed by cloud services. 
Head Unit ( on-board or HU ASR). Vehicles have on-board ASR for use cases involving 
native functionality such as "Turn on radio". Support continues during active AAP 
Users can issue voice commands to the ASR system of choice by pressing the voice input 
(push-to-talk/PTT) button. Android auto supports two (2) methods for initializing an ASR 
session: short-press and long-press. 
This implementation relies on the HU sending the TTS key command as soon as the PTT 
button is pressed down. The HU SHOULD trigger the ASR experience that corresponds to the 
current video focus state, i.e., trigger MD ASR if Android Auto has video focus (send the 
KEYCODE_SEARCH) or trigger the HU ASR if Android Auto does not have video focus.  
The short-press approach is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. 
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If the HU reserves short-press for native ASR, a timer based long-press (500ms) will activate 
Android Auto ASR regardless of video focus. 
Voice Recognition Session 
AAP ASR occurs within a Voice Recognition (VR) session, which is bounded by matching 
voiceSessionNotificationCallbacks from the MD:  
● An asynchronous voiceSessionNotificationCallback is sent on the registered controller 
callback when the VR session starts.  
● A second voiceSessionNotificationCallback is sent when the VR session is completed. 
Cancelling or Restarting a VR Session 
During an active AAP VR session, short-press of the ASR hard button SHALL cancel the active 
session, and long-press SHALL restart the AAP VR session. For vehicles that have native ASR 
and utilize short-press to initiate a VR session, when an AAP VR is in session: 
● Initial short-press MUST cancel an active AAP VR session, and 
● Subsequent short-press MUST trigger the native ASR session. 
● Single short-press MAY NOT trigger both a VR Cancel and VR Start. 
● HU MUST NOT send successive short-press commands to stop and start the session.  
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Implementing Voice Recognition (VR) Actions 
AAP requires a hardware button to trigger ASR. You can set the button to trigger AA with 
short-press (preferred) or long-press (and leave short-press for native VR/fallback).  
A hard button affects the AA VR state using Start VR , Restart VR , and Cancel VR actions. The 
reportKey and reportKeyLongPress functions send button presses to the MD to trigger 
those actions. When calling reportKey or reportKeyLongPress , pass the keycode for 
KEYCODE_SEARCH. For details, refer to InputSource.h in Receiver Library Documentation. 
Short-Press Standard Session 
Figure 31 . Short-press, s tandard implementation, standard session 
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Short-Press Restart 
Figure 32 . Short-press, s tandard implementation, restart 
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Short-Press Cancel 
Figure 33 . Short-press, s tandard implementation, cancel 
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Long-Press Standard Session 
Figure 34 . Long-press, standard session 
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Long-Press Restart 
Figure 35 . Long-press, restart 
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Long-Press Cancel 
Figure 36 . Long-press, cancel 
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Speech Audio Format 
To ensure proper functionality, the microphone and HU MUST support the following audio 
format and audio processing requirements:  
Sampling Rate 
Sample Size 
Buffer Size 
2048 (frames MUST be multiples of Buffer Size) 
File Type 
Stereo Type 
Processing Requirements  
The following processing settings are REQUIRED: 
Noise Reduction Processing . MUST be disabled for single-mic systems. MAY be 
enabled for multiple-mic systems that use techniques such as beamforming to improve 
results in adverse conditions. 
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) . MUST be disabled. Google Automatic Speech 
Recognition (ASR) uses its own AGC to adjust for audio volume. Interactions between 
third-party and Google AGC are generally poor, leading to reduced overall quality. 
Processing Recommendations  
The following processing settings are RECOMMENDED: 
Amplitude . Device SHOULD exhibit flat amplitude versus frequency characteristics 
(+- 3 dB 150 Hz to 7000 Hz). 
Audio Input Sensitivity . Set such that 90 dB SPL at 1000 Hz yields RMS of 2500 for 16 
bit samples. 
Harmonic Distortion . Total harmonic distortion SHOULD be less than 1% from 100 Hz 
to 4000 Hz at 90 dB SPL input level. 
High Pass Filter . High-pass filter to attenuate sensitivity to frequencies below 20 Hz by 
at least 30 dB. 
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Integrating Vehicle Data 
When connected to a AAP mobile device (MD), the vehicle head unit (HU) MUST send 
read-only vehicle information to the MD using a pub-sub model: The MD registers for specific 
events and indicates an update frequency. On initial registration from an MD, the vehicle 
MUST notify the device of the current value for an event (if data is available).  
This section describes vehicle data exposed to the platform, but not 
necessarily to platform applications. In all cases, access to the vehicle data for 
mobile device applications is governed using the Android Permission model. 
If a vehicle makes a type of vehicle data available via AAP, the implementation MUST always 
make the data available, regardless of the current video and audio focus state. Vehicle data 
MUST be shared as specified below, and MUST never be faked, simulated, or falsified. Sensor 
errors can be reported to MD using the SensorError message when identified by the HU.  
AAP supports the following required and OPTIONAL vehicle data sources.  
Driving Status 
Vehicle Data Type  Required 
Min Rate 
Current Gear 
OPTIONAL  on change 
NEUTRAL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, DRIVE, 
PARK, REVERSE. This is an OPTIONAL status 
message. If present, it MUST accurately 
represent the actual transmission/gear 
status and MUST NOT be synthesized. If the 
actual transmission/gear status is not 
available, this status SHOULD NOT be sent. 
Automatic: transmission state (generally 
Manual: transmission state including gear 
OPTIONAL  on change  Resolution: 100 meters 
Parking Brake 
OPTIONAL  on change   
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Vehicle Data Type  Required  Min Rate  Details 
Estimated Range  OPTIONAL  on change 
Estimated vehicle range remaining to nearest 
1km; same data as shown in other displays (e.g. 
instrument cluster). Conveys % fuel remaining. 
Fuel Level Low 
OPTIONAL  on change  Low fuel indicator 
If the HU has navigation sensors, those sensors MUST be provided over AAP . If the HU does 
not have navigation sensors or those sensors don’t comply with minimum requirements, you 
MUST apply for and be granted a waiver by Google, as well as pass the Projection 
Compatibility Test Suite (PCTS). For example, Google may grant a waiver to a vehicle that 
does not have GPS if the vehicle passes other PCTS tests that ensure the position of the MD 
allows for GPS positioning from the device. 
Vehicle Data Type  Min Rate 
GPS Location 
Use the same 
update rate as the 
underlying GPS 
hardware (typically 
1 Hz). 
Position of the vehicle, usually from a GPS 
source. Uses WGS84 datum. May include 
corrections from sensor fusion, but MUST NOT 
include Map Matching (MM). 
● Latitude & Longitude 
● Accuracy ( 68% confidence horizontal 
● Altitude 
● Speed (as calculated by Location engine) 
● Course (as calculated by Location engine ) 7
The HU SHOULD send raw GPS values to the 
MD. Dead Reckoning (DR) and/or sensor fusion 
may be applied only if the HU reports the 
transformations in the locationCharacterization 
flags. MM MUST NOT be applied on the HU as it 
will interfere with the MD's own MM. During 
initial sensor set up, the HU SHOULD report 
what transformations it performs on GPS data 
7 In this context, "Location engine" can be interpreted as the GPS module. 
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using locationCharacterization flags. 
If no GPS fix is available and the number of 
reported GPS satellites is zero, the HU MAY 
send location data to the MD. 
GPS satellite 
Use the same 
update rate as the 
underlying GPS 
hardware (typically 
1 Hz). 
The number of GPS satellites used in 
determining the location (REQUIRED), and the 
number of satellites in view (OPTIONAL). This 
data MUST be sent regardless of whether 
location fix was acquired or not (i.e. no silence 
periods). If locations are ever provided when 
no GPS signal is available (through 
dead-reckoning), it is imperative that the 
number of satellites in the fix (zero) is supplied. 
Per-satellite information is OPTIONAL. 
Mechanical Speed  Use same rate as 
Minimum rate 1 Hz. 
m/s. Derived from mechanical rotation at 
transmission or wheels (not GPS). MUST be a 
negative value when vehicle is moving in 
Compass Heading  Use same rate as 
Minimum rate 1 Hz. 
1-axis compass heading (or OPTIONAL 3-axis if 
pitch and/or roll are available). Compass 
heading updates differ from the course in a 
location update because the heading: 
● Can be updated independently of location 
information, enabling compass updates 
when no accurate location is available 
(such as in tunnels). 
● Always indicates the direction of the front 
of the vehicle, whereas location course 
indicates the direction of movement 
(velocity vector). These are usually the 
same when travelling forwards, but are 
180 degrees apart when reversing. 
The compass heading is the orientation of the 
vehicle as determined by magnetic sensors; 
location course is the direction of movement 
(velocity vector) as determined by the location 
engine. If the HU does not have access to a 
compass heading that is independent of the 
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location course, then compass updates 
SHOULD NOT be sent. 
The compass heading SHOULD be magnetic 
north (rather than true north). The 
RECOMMENDED resolution of compass 
heading data is 1 degree, and the minimum 
resolution is 45 degrees. As compass data can 
be noisy, gyro stabilisation is acceptable but 
MUST NOT be a duplicate of GPS bearing data. 
Use same rate as 
Minimum rate 3 Hz. 
3-axis acceleration measurements. Used for 
Dead Reckoning on the MD. For details, refer to 
Motion Sensors, Figure 1 , where positive X axis 
points to the right door, positive Y axis point to 
the nose of the car, and positive Z axis points to 
the roof of the car. 
Use same rate as 
Minimum rate 3 Hz. 
Up to 3-axis gyroscope measurements. Z axis 
(left-right turns) is REQUIRED; other axes are 
OPTIONAL but encouraged. Used for Dead 
Reckoning on the MD. For details, refer to 
Motion Sensors, Figure 1
If the vehicle does not have GPS, the MD GPS is used instead. Such vehicles MUST provide a 
location for the device such that the performance of the MD GPS is equivalent to 
performance outside of the vehicle. 
Vehicle Data Type  Required  Min Rate  Details 
Google services are a personalized experience, 
so it is important to know if the passenger seat 
is occupied before projecting video or audio 
content you may not want a passenger to 
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Vehicle Data Type 
Drive Level 
Indicates the level of feature/functionality 
lockout as determined by vehicle. Defined 
as a bitmask: 
00000 =  Unrestricted. 
00001 =  No video playback allowed. 
Video playback is media such as 
movies, YouTube, games, etc. 
(not UI). 
00010 =  No text input allowed (on-screen 
keyboard, rotary controller 
speller, touchpad text entry) . 8
Limits UI interaction. 
00100 =  No voice input allowed. 
01000 =  No setup/configuration allowed . 9
10000 =  Limit displayed message length. 
OEMs MUST select drive level in 
compliance with the laws and 
regulations that apply to markets 
where the product is shipping. 
Day/Night Mode 
Indicates use of night mode when 
rendering the UI. Defined as a boolean:  
1 = day 
0 = night  
The value of this flag MUST be consistent 
with dashboard day/night mode HU MUST 
provide a means for user to manually 
8 To minimize driver distraction, Google recommends lockout of text input when vehicle is not parked. 
9 To minimize driver distraction, Google recommends vehicle is parked for FRX. 
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choose day or night mode. When in auto 
mode, value SHOULD be based on ambient 
light sensor input and care SHOULD be 
taken to de-bounce the signal to avoid 
Indicates if open. 
Indicates headlight status (off, on, high 
Tire Pressure 
Vehicle Data Type 
Min Rate 
Outside Temperature 
0.1 Hz 
Environmental Pressure 
0.1 Hz 
HVAC - Target /Current Temperature  OPTIONAL 
0.1 Hz 
Methods reportDiagnosticsData and reportDeadReckoningData 
in the receiver library are deprecated and SHOULD NOT be used 
in new integrations. 
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Integrating Navigation 
Most mobile devices (MDs) and vehicle head units (HUs) provide navigation services. Because 
the MD can provide step-by-step navigation and the HU can provide a native (on-board) 
navigation, the MD and HU MUST negotiate navigation focus so the user does not receive 
concurrent navigation and traffic instructions.  
AAP includes two Navigation Focus (NF) modes: Phone (navigation provided from MD) and 
Car (navigation provided from HU). On AAP connection the default NF mode is Car . AAP 
enables users to switch navigation focus between the phone and car. However, the HU 
always controls navigation focus and determines which navigation service runs.  
The HU MUST implement Navigation Focus even if it does not include native navigation. 
Navigation Focus Request 
A navigation focus request is a message sent from the MD to the HU. The MD makes a 
request for navigation focus whenever the user changes the navigation state in the MD: 
When navigation on the mobile device is started or restarted, the mobile device makes a 
navigation focus request to the head unit, requesting NF mode to be phone. 
When navigation on the mobile device is stopped, the mobile device MAY make a 
navigation focus request to the head unit, requesting NF mode to be returned to car. 
The HU MUST eventually respond to every request with Navigation Focus Notification. 
Navigation Focus Notification 
A Navigation Focus Notification is a message sent from the HU to the MD that specifies 
whether the NF Mode is Phone or Car and is used to grant Navigation Focus. The HU: 
● MAY send a navigation focus notification at any time (for example, when the native 
navigation service starts or stops). 
● MUST send a navigation focus notification to the MD in response to a navigation focus 
request from the device (even if there is no change in navigation focus). 
No confirmations from the MD are expected for any of these notifications. The MD will not 
start phone navigation until it receives a NF Notification with NF mode set to phone. The HU 
MUST NOT run native navigation if the last NF Notification sent was NF mode set to phone. 
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The HU SHOULD generally grant the NF Mode that was requested by the MD in a NF Request 
(that is, if focus is requested for the vehicle, it SHOULD be given to the vehicle; if it is 
requested for the phone, it SHOULD be given to the phone). 
Some special cases worth considering: 
If the HU is actively providing native navigation and the MD requests NF, the HU may 
choose to stop native navigation and grant NF to the MD, or it may provide a native UI to 
let the user decide. The RECOMMENDED approach is to stop native navigation and let 
the MD to take over. 
If a HU is capable of providing native navigation, but is not actively navigating, then it 
SHOULD immediately grant NF Mode to the phone when requested. 
f the user initiates native navigation while the NF Mode is set to phone then the HU may 
either issue a NF Notification with NF Mode set to car (and the phone will stop 
navigation), or it may provide a UI to let the user confirm that phone navigation will end 
and then send the NF Notification. The HU MUST always use a NF Notification to set NF 
mode to car before starting native navigation. 
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Integrating Application Status & Data 
The primary visual UI for AAP renders on the mobile device (MD) and projects to the 
in-vehicle head unit (HU) display as a projection video stream (see Integrating Video ). To 
enable tighter integration with native purpose-built UI such as instrument clusters and 
heads-up displays, AAP also provides limited access to app data. 
Navigation Data 
For vehicles that support next turn information in the instrument cluster, the HU can 
subscribe to next turn updates from the MD navigation engine. 
Navigation Subscription 
An HU sends navigation subscription requests to the MD. 
Subscription Field  Description 
Minimum Interval 
Minimum interval (maximum rate) between Next Turn Distance 
events (in ms). 
Next Turn Format 
Image (RECOMMENDED) . Instrument clusters that can 
dynamically load images sent by the MD SHOULD select image 
for access to high-fidelity next turn iconography from the MD.  
Enum . Instrument clusters that cannot dynamically load 
images SHOULD select enum. The HU MUST select and render 
a native next turn icon. 
Image Options 
Required only for HUs that support next turn images. At this time, 
only square images are supported; includes color depth and 
Navigation Status Event 
MDs send navigation status event messages to the HU. 
Event Field 
Navigation Status 
Current status of mobile-based navigation (ACTIVE, INACTIVE, 
Next Turn Event 
MDs send next turn event messages to the HU. 
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Event Field 
Next Turn Enum 
Enumeration describing the type of turn. 
Next Turn Side 
Enumeration describing the side of turn (left, right, unspecified) 
Next Turn Image 
PNG formatted turn image. 
Next Turn Road Name  Name of next road (UTF-8). 
Next Turn Distance Event 
MDs send next turn distance event messages to the HU. These events are sent continuously 
from MD to HU while navigating, and not necessarily at predictable distance milestones. 
Event Field 
Next Turn Distance  Distance (meters) to the next turn. 
Next Turn Seconds  Estimated time (seconds) to the next turn. 
Next Turn Rounded 
Distance to the next turn, rounded and converted to the units used 
when this distance is displayed by the MD navigation application. This 
value is scaled by 1000. 
Rounded Distance 
The units used on the Next Turn Rounded Distance
The MD sends distance values in meters and may not time distance events to occur at round 
number intervals (2km, 1km, 500m, 100m, etc.).The OS adaptation layer (or HU) SHOULD use 
Next Turn Rounded Distance to display a distance value and units consistent with the MD 
navigation application. 
Next Turn Enum 
MDs send next turn enum messages to the HU; the next turn image may have more 
variations than expressed by the next turn enum value. For example, variations in the 
sharpness of ON_RAMP turns may be expressed with different images but not be 
distinguished by this enum. 
Enum Value 
Start driving. Used before accurate location 
or orientation is known. 
Indicate a street name change without turn. 
Make a 10-45 degree turn. 
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Make a 45-135 degree turn. 
Make a 135-175 degree turn. 
Make a 180 degree turn onto same road. 
Take an on-ramp onto a major road. 
Take an off-ramp from a major road. 
Take a fork while on a ramp. 
Merge with another road. 
Enter a large roundabout. 
Exit a large roundabout. 
Enter a roundabout then take the nth exit 
(count field may potentially be unset). 
Indicates a potentially confusing 
intersection where user goes straight. 
Board a boat ferry. 
Board a train ferry. 
Indicated arrival at destination. 
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Navigation Data Example 
Figure 37 . MD navigation. 
Accessing Media Data 
If the vehicle includes native UIs that display media playback status and/or enable browsing 
structured media data (such as in an instrument cluster display), the vehicle can access 
structured media data for media applications on the MD. 
Media Playback Status 
If the HU subscribes to media playback status, the MD continually sends status notifications 
whenever media is playing. Notifications can include the following data: 
The name of the audio (application) source. For example, “Google Play 
Music”, “Pandora”, “TuneIn Radio”, etc.  
Name of the current song/track. 
Name of the current artist. 
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Name of the current album, if available. 
Album Art 
PNG image of the album art for the currently playing track, if available. 
Name of the current playlist, if available. 
Duration of this track in seconds. 
Current progress in track in seconds. 
Rating on a 0-5 scale, if available. 
TRUE if shuffle is selected. 
TRUE if repeat is selected. 
Repeat One  TRUE if repeat-one-track is selected. 
For details, refer to the MediaPlaybackStatusEndpoint interface in the AAP receiver library 
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Integrating Vendor Extension Channels 
Android Auto Protocol (AAP) supports protocol extensions in vendor-specific channels that 
use AAP as a transport. Vendor Extension Channels (VEC) are completely opaque to AAP, 
which sends data over the wire without interpreting bits. This section provides an overview of 
Vendor Extension implementation and includes implementation examples. 
Integrators (OEMS, partners) can write proprietary services that run over AAP alongside 
regular AAP service endpoints, enabling those services to enjoy the benefits that AAP 
provides. Integrators can add multiple AAP service endpoints, however, to prevent 
introduction of malware, they MUST add authentication and encryption to verify the 
applications running in the mobile device. (AAP encrypts the data using SSL encrypted to 
prevent eavesdropping, but integrators can add more authentication as necessary.) For 
details, refer to the VendorExtension interface in the AAP receiver library documentation. 
When to Use VEC 
The VEC is designed to address custom, vendor-specific needs—not standard features such 
as HVAC or FM radio common to all modern vehicles. For standard features, we strongly 
encourage integrators to work with their Google technical contact and the Google Android 
Auto team to design and develop applications that run over normal AAP channels.   
For non-standard features, use VEC to enable proprietary services to run over AAP. Examples: 
● Tunnelling a legacy protocol through the VEC. 
● A background service that runs on the mobile device (MD) and collects data from the 
vehicle even when Android Auto is not projecting to the head unit (HU), then uploads 
that data to cloud. 
The Vendor Extension Channel (VEC) architecture requires that a secure connection over SSL 
is established for all Android Auto protocol traffic, including vendor extension data. The HU 
specifies the package name of an Android service or app that is allowed to connect to the 
vendor channel during the Service Discovery phase. 
On the MD, when an OEM app is started and requests a VEC connection, Android Auto checks 
that the service trying to connect to the VEC passes the standard Android Auto permissions 
checks and has a package name that matches the one declared by the HU vendor extension 
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Figure 38 . VEC architecture. 
If these criteria are satisfied, the nominated OEM service can begin sending and receiving 
data over the VEC. 
Standard Android Auto permission checks are handled by the Google Play 
Store admission procedure (not blacklisted, etc.) 
Android Mobile Device 
The MD is responsible for initiating the vendor channel connection (i.e. the device is master). 
An OEM application on the device requests the vendor extension via an OEM-implemented 
service. Multiple VECs can be active at the same time. Because each VEC is opaque to Google, 
it is up to the OEM application to multiplex usage of each individual channel among various 
clients. We recommend: 
● Only one (1) Android service interacts directly with any given channel. 
● The Android service provides an interface that enables multiple apps to use the VEC. 
The Google Play Store manages access to Android Auto APIs by mobile applications on 
consumer devices. For testing and development purposes, OEMs can ask their Google 
technical contact to whitelist devices. 
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Using Verification Certificates 
The RECOMMENDED approach of using a single Android service to manage applications' 
access to the VEC requires the service to verify the signing signature of each app that 
requests VEC access. VEC access SHOULD be granted only to apps that are signed with the 
OEM certificate, thus preventing access by unauthorized applications.  
To limit VEC connections to your own applications, define a <permission> with 
android:protectionLevel=signature and protect the VEC service/provider with that 
The OEM Service can use PackageManager.getPackageInfo() to access a hash of an APK 
signing signature, then compare this with a known hash of the OEM certificate held within 
the service. 
Sample Applications 
The Android Auto repository includes basic vendor extension examples that echo input. On 
the MD , refer to //vendor/auto/kitchen_sink/echo­vendor 
. On the HU , refer to:  
● android­protocol­lib/jni/com_google_android_projection_protocol_VendorExtension
● android­protocol­lib/src/com/google/android/projection/protocol/VendorExtension 
● android­protocol­lib/src/com/google/android/projection/protocol/EchoVendorExten 
Head Unit 
On the head unit, vendor channels MUST subclass VendorExtension and 
. When subclassing VendorExtension 
, implement the pure virtual 
function VendorExtension::addDiscoveryInfo() 
Sample Implementation 
This section provides pseudocode for the above implementation. It defines the vendor 
extension in native code; does the same thing in Java. 
First, subclass VendorExtension into your own vendor extension class (where 
com.vendorname.servicename is the name used when accessing the VEC): 
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class  SampleVendorExtension  :  public  VendorExtension  { 
void  SampleVendorExtension::addDiscoveryInfo(ServiceDiscoveryResponse*  sdr) 
     Service*  service  =  sdr­>add_services(); 
     VendorExtensionService*  ves  = 
Next, subclass IVendorExtensionCallbacks to respond to data received from the MD. 
class  SampleVendorExtensionCallbacks  :  public  IVendorExtensionCallbacks  { 
//  This  method  gets  called  when  the  mobile  device  sends  the  HU  data. 
int  dataAvailable(uint8_t*  data,  size_t  len)  { 
//  Do  something  when  the  data  is  available.  For  example  send  it  back 
using  sendData. 
mVendorExtension­>sendData(data,  len); 
Finally, register your vendor extension like any other service during the initialization 
...  Initialization  code  ... 
VendorExtension*  endpoint  =  new  SampleVendorExtension(serviceId, 
SampleVendorExtensionCallbacks*  callbacks  =  new  SampleVendorExtension(endpoint); 
...  Other  Initialization  code  ... 
On the MD, a single Android service SHOULD handle the VEC data processing, irrespective of 
the number of OEM apps that may ultimately consume the data. The HU vendor MUST 
determine the package name of this service in advance and set in the HU 
, which corresponds to the add_package_white_list() 
call in the example. The dataAvailable() callback is executed when data is received from the 
MD via the VEC. To respond, the HU SHOULD call sendData() 
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Use Cases 
The following use cases assume the user has installed the OEM app on the MD and granted 
permission to access car data through the Google Play Store Install App permissions screen. 
Autostart Application 
When an MD connects to an HU that supports Android Auto, the OEM can automatically start 
a telematics or similar app. This app does not have a usable interface on the device because 
of the Android Auto lock screen, but the app could, for example, launch an app-based 
service. The app could then perform a background action such as collect data from the HU 
over the VEC and send it off to a cloud store for the user to view later. 
Autostart includes two steps: 
1. On the HU, determine whether the MD is Android Auto compatible. 
2. On the MD, initialize the VEC and auto-start the correct app. 
Determine Android Auto Compatibility 
1. HU sends the Android Auto AOA string.  
2. If the MD responds in AOA Accessory mode, it’s an Android device. 
3. HU begins Android Auto connection. 
4. Does the MD send a ByeBye message over the Android Auto protocol? 
○ If NO, the device supports Android Auto. Begin initializing the VEC
○ If YES, it’s common to re-establish an AOA/USB connection to the MD for another 
purpose, such as connecting the HU directly to a telemetry app already on the MD. 
MD sends ByeBye message over Android Auto protocol. Because the AA 
protocol is implemented in Google Play Services, the ByeBye message is sent 
even from devices running older versions of Android. 
Reset USB on the HU. This allows the HU and MD to reconnect without 
Android Auto AOA mode. 
HU sends alternate AOA string to connect directly to the app on the MD. 
Initialize Vendor Extension Channel 
After validating the MD as Android Auto compatible, you can initialize the VEC. Vendor 
Extension Channels MUST be pre-built into the HU, so initialization tasks occur exclusively on 
the MD. The communication is between the Android Auto CarService component and the 
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OEM App. Before starting, ensure: 
● The OEM application package name is in the package whitelist of a VEC on the HU. The 
whitelist ensures that OEM X application will be allowed to communicate over the VEC 
for the OEM X HU, but not with OEM Y HU. 
● OEM application listens for the VENDOR_CHANNEL_READY broadcast and declares the 
permission Car.PERMISSION_VENDOR_EXTENSION in its manifest. 
During initialization, the following events occur: 
1. CarService sends a broadcast announcing VENDOR_CHANNEL_READY to each package on 
the channel’s whitelist . 
○ Any app that receives the Directed Broadcast will be automatically started by 
Android, even if the app is not yet running. 
○ If an app that is not whitelisted to open the VEC attempts to open the VEC, the 
CarVendorExtensionManager throws a SecurityException. 
2. OEM App responds by establishing a client connection to Car API in Google Play 
Services: mCVEM  =  Car.CarApi.getCarVendorExtensionManager(mCarApiClient, 
3. OEM App registers a listener on the CarVendorExtensionManager which calls onData() in 
the listener when data arrives. 
4. HU and OEM App begin sharing data over the VEC. The CarVendorExtensionManager has 
a sendData() call for sending data. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Can a specific app on the MD be started automatically when connected to the HU? 
Yes. See Autostart Application
Can an OEM app on the MD display on the phone screen while Android Auto is active? 
No. An active Android Auto connection avoids distracting situations by displaying a lock 
screen on the MD. Instead, the application SHOULD use the OEM SDK to display a native 
Android Auto experience on the head unit display or run in a service mode to gather 
information that drivers can look at after they disconnect their MD from the HU. 
Can one Vendor Extension Channel support more than one app? 
AAP does not handle multiplexing over the Vendor Extension Channel. For this reason, 
10As of Google Play Services version 7.8, the VEC is not identified by name to the package. 
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Google recommends that OEMs create a service app on the device that handles all 
communications with a given VEC, and that this service app handles one-to-many 
communications between the VEC and other apps on the phone. Note also that multiple 
VECs can exist in parallel. 
How does an OEM-specific app get installed when a specific VEC is detected on the HU? 
Auto-detecting the correct app to install from the Google Play Store is not yet supported. 
Users of the OEM app MUST install the app themselves. Google plans to add this capability in 
a future release of Google Play Services. For users, the likely flow will be to ask them during 
the first-run experience whether they’d like to install the appropriate OEM app. 
How should the OEM-specific app react when the VEC is closed? Is the response 
different for typical cases (such as an unplugged USB cable) vs. atypical cases (such as 
the Android Auto app on the phone crashes)? 
Retry and disconnect logic SHOULD be part of any app that communicates with a data service 
like the VEC. An OEM SHOULD decide how to deal with each case; the Android Auto Protocol 
simply provides an opaque transport for data. For example, if AAP is not available because of 
a failure in the Head Unit OS Abstraction Layer, an OEM telemetry app may switch to a 
different communication method, e.g., data over Bluetooth, legacy protocol over USB, 
different AOA ID over USB. 
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Integrating Radio 
Radio is a new, OPTIONAL API added in AAP v1.2 that enables control the vehicle radio from 
within AAP. Users do not need to exit the Android Auto experience to access radio playback 
control via the native head unit (HU) user interface. In a high level view of the radio control 
flow from AAP to the HU Radio, the HU plays radio audio directly (audio stream does not get 
routed to the MD). To enable Radio API for AAP, integrators SHOULD implement 
RadioEndpoint and RadioCallbacks in the Receiver Library. 
Radio Service Discovery 
During service discovery (performed on each MD connection), HUs that support the Radio 
API MUST include radio service as part of the discovery response. This process tells AAP that 
the radio API can be used. The service discovery response contains a message that describes 
the HU’s radio properties. The properties advertised by the HU are used by AAP to determine 
available types (AM/FM, HD, etc) and the features to enable in the radio app. 
Radio Properties  
The HU notifies the MD of the Radio properties the HU supports using a RadioProperties 
instance, defined for each radio type supported by the HU.  
RadioProperties Field  Description 
Type of Radio: AM, FM, AM_HD, FM_HD, DAB or XM (Only AM and FM 
are currently supported). 
Min and Max supported frequency values. 
All supported channel spacing configurations (resolution of a 
frequency step). 
Current channel spacing.   
Indicates if a background tuner is available (for background scans). 
Radio region.  
RDS (Radio Data System) Type. Also known as Radio Broadcast Data 
System (RBDS) in the US. 
Alternative frequency switching (RDS) support. 
Traffic announcements (RDS) support. 
Indicates if traffic service available. 
Indicates if “radio only” muting is supported. 
The state of the radio at the time when MD connected to HU. 
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Messaging Between HU and MD  
Messages passed between the HU and MD consist of requests from the MD, corresponding 
responses from the HU, and notifications from the HU when state changes. For an overview 
of messages, see below; for specific parameter values, refer to the Receiver Library source.  
Radio Source 
● EnableRadioSourceRequest 
● EnableRadioSourceResponse 
Enables radio sources. 
Active Radio 
● SelectActiveRadioRequest 
● ActiveRadioNotification 
Changes active radio (i.e. from FM to 
AM). HU SHOULD tune to the 
previously set station for the specified 
Step Channel 
● StepChannelRequest 
● StepChannelResponse 
Steps radio channel up and down. Step 
resolution is determined by the 
channel spacing of the band.  
● SeekStationRequest 
● SeekStationResponse 
Seeks next station (up or down).  
● ScanStationsRequest 
● ScanStationsResponse 
Scans available stations while 
previewing each station for an interval 
of time, until user stops scan.  
Tune to Station 
● TuneToStationRequest 
● TuneToStationResponse 
Tunes to specified band/channel/HD 
station (if supported).  
Station Info 
● RadioStationInfoNotification 
HU sends this to the MD when station 
info or meta data changes (i.e. tuned 
to new station, or RDS data changed). 
Get Program List 
● GetProgramListRequest 
● GetProgramListResponse 
Returns a list of all available stations. 
Since this operation can be time 
consuming, the HU may stream results 
back to the MD by sending multiple 
response messages. 
If a background tuner is available, this 
process uses that tuner; if unavailable, 
playback may be interrupted and radio 
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app may mute radio to prevent sound 
from being played during program list 
● CancelRadioOperations 
● CancelRadioOperations 
Cancels all outstanding radio 
Channel Spacing 
● ConfigureChannelSpacing 
● ConfigureChannelSpacing 
Used in regions where channel spacing 
is user configurable. 
Station Presets 
● StationPresetsNotification 
Sent when station presets have been 
changed by the user. 
● MuteRadioRequest 
● MuteRadioResponse 
Mutes radio 
Traffic Update 
● GetTrafficUpdateRequest 
● GetTrafficUpdateResponse 
Returns traffic updates. 
† Tuning to the next channel is performed asynchronously; a separate RadioStationInfoNotification is sent to the 
MD each time the radio tunes to the new station. 
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Example Radio Sequences 
The following examples illustrate common radio use cases. 
Radio Playing During MD Connection 
In this example, the MD connects while radio is playing on the HU. The HU takes audio focus 
and notifies MD of the active radio station. 
Figure 39. Radio service discovery sequence. 
Tuning to Station in Projection Mode 
In this example, a user sets the radio to 95.7 FM in projection mode. 
Figure 40. Tuning to station in projection mode sequence. 
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Tuning to Station in Native Mode 
In this example, a user selects station preset 1 to in native mode.  
Figure 41. Tuning to station in native mode sequence. 
Scanning Stations in Projection Mode 
In this example, a user scans stations in projection mode. 
Figure 42. Scanning stations in projection mode sequence. 
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Audio Focus When Integrating Radio 
Audio focus for AAP is handled in the same manner as for other sources. If radio source is 
enabled, the MD MUST release audio focus to enable radio playback. The following diagram 
illustrates how audio focus is handled when playing radio.  
Figure 43. Radio Audio focus. 
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Radio Hard Buttons 
The HU SHALL handle events for all radio controls: 
● scan up/down 
● seek up/down 
● step up/down 
● preset next/prev 
● preset # 
● radio mode (i.e. AM/FM, etc) 
The HU notifies the MD via corresponding notification messages (i.e. StepChannelResponse, 
SeekStationResponse, ScanStationsResponse, RadioStationInfoNotification etc). 
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Appendix A: Vehicle ID 
A valid Vehicle ID SHOULD exhibit the following properties. 
Unique ID per HU 
Android Auto uses Vehicle ID to determine if the First Run Experience has run on on a given 
head unit (HU). The Vehicle ID MUST be unique to the individual HU, ie. not shared across 
multiple HUs of the same make/model. The value can be random, as long as the same value 
is retained within a HU until factory reset occurs. 
Minimum 64 Bits 
To reduce the chances of ID collision, Vehicle IDs SHOULD have at least 64 bits. That is, at 
least 2^64 values are possible within the definition of the ID. 
For example, if an ID can be made up of the following characters: [A-Z, a-z, 0-9], that gives 62 
possible values for each character, which can be represented by 6 bits (2^6=64). To exceed 64 
bits, at least 11 characters would be needed (roundup 64/6). 
Likewise, if an ID consists of [A-Z, 0-9], each character has 36 possible values, which is 
roughly 5 bits (2^5=32). The ID would need 13 characters to cover 64-bit space (roundup 
Example: Generate Vehicle ID 
This example generates a valid Vehicle ID without a factory-written serial number. For a 
random number generated at first boot (or factory reset), if the HU has writable storage (or 
non-volatile space): 
1. When the sink implementation starts up, it looks for an identity file (such as 
/var/gal/identity ). 
2. If the file doesn't exist, read (or generate) random 128 bits (such as /dev/urandom ) and 
write it to an identify file. 
3. Use ID as the HU identity going forward, until the file is deleted (such as during a factory 
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Appendix B: Document History 
Revision  Date 
5 Sep 2014 
Applying new template. 
Name change (GAL to AAP). 
Adding Audio Focus details. 
Remove “Use Cases” section.  
Remove Wi-Fi transport details. 
Remove Radio. 
Rationalize with Protocol. 
Added Authorize Connection sub-section on Service Discovery. 
Additional detail on navigation sensor requirements. 
Rewrote connection establishment section and Bluetooth related sections. 
29 Sep 2014 
Clarified required resolutions: MD may send 800x480 at any time. 
Changed name of product to Android Auto. 
Clarified A2DP handling. 
Clarified navigation sensor exception process. 
08 Jul 2015 
HFP connection not required to complete AAP handshake.
Added 500ms timeout for MD waiting for Audio Focus grant from HU. 
In Configuring AOAP table, changed manufacturer from Google to Android 
and Description from <empty> to Android Auto.
Updated Current Gear information to specify “Park” criteria. 
Removed 1 Hz GPS requirement. 
Clarified that vehicle data MUST never be faked. 
Added description to Vehicle_ID. 
Clarified call handling and HFP/button send requirements. 
Changed Current Gear from required to OPTIONAL, clarified usage. 
Clarified conflict resolution behaviour when Android Auto connected with 
navigation running on both MD and HU. 
Separate video resolution from frame rate. 
Clarified desired semantics of day/night mode flag. 
Clarified AAP session persists even if not visible on HU screen. 
Updated audio stream requirements: PCM required, AAC-LC OPTIONAL. 
Clarified KEYCODE_SEARCH SHOULD be reported if a physical speech 
button exists. 
Touch events allowed while native OSD visible in some cases. 
Clarified navigation focus handling. 
Added table to clarify channel terminology to stream terminology. 
Clarified position on RSAP, PAN, MAP Bluetooth profiles. 
ASR (formerly VR) section split into updated reqs and recommendations. 
ASR triggering (HU vs MD) policy updated. 
Added open source components. 
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Added guidance on native HMI during First Run prior to MD video 
Changed RECOMMENDED audio encoding from AAC to PCM. 
03 Dec 15 
A2DP: clearer statement that is can be enabled during AAP connection, and 
provide an example of audio focus handling. 
h.264 decoder SHALL handle variable rate stream 
Compass sensor may include gyro stabilization 
Clarified the policy on requirements, frequencies and axes for a set of 
sensors: light OPTIONAL, explicitly state that 1-axis accel and gyros are ok, 
relax frequency requirements to 1 Hz. 
Clarified on gyro, accelerometer sensors. 
Added GPS location clarification. 
Clarified differences between next turn image and next turn enum 
Clarified that voice button SHOULD be a dedicated button. 
Added more precise minimum screen size requirements  
Added suggestion that additional devices charge to avoid complicated 
multiple device scenarios. 
Clarified information that SHOULD be sent in Head_Unit_Make, 
Head_Unit_Model, Head_Unit_Software_Build and 
Clarified that during connection setup, video focus MUST NOT be granted 
to the MD by the HU (VIDEO_FOCUS_PROJECTED) until 
VideoSink::setupCallback() has been called. 
Added guidance on Audio Focus request handling in cases where HU setup 
takes time. 
Added that MD plugged in before car powered on SHOULD also initiate 
Changed total combined latency target to 250ms from 200ms inline with 
performance test requirements (Figure 15). 
Added guidance around audio buffering. 
Clarified handling of ASR hard keys during VR sessions. 
Added description of 00000 drive level setting. 
Clarified KEYCODE_BACK does not cause Android Auto to lose video focus.  
Added more detail to description of KEYCODE_ROTARY_CONTROLLER. 
Added documentation for Vehicle Data interfaces available from GAL v1.0 
but not covered in HUIG. 
Updates for AAP v1.2  
New video focus Native Transient. 
Session Configuration added to Service Discovery parameters. 
HU can report pixel aspect ratio to MD to receive video corrected 
for non-square pixels. 
Temporary and permanent sensor errors can be reported to MD 
when identified by the HU. 
HU SHOULD report transformations performed on GPS data using 
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Added new key events. 
Added more gear states. 
Added documentation for integrating touchpad as primary input 
New doc template applied. 
Updated BT connection diagrams for previously-paired and never-paired 
Removed requirement that Hands-Free Profile (HFP) connections to other 
devices be disconnected in preparation for BT pairing. 
Added new section Integrating Vendor Extension Channels. 
Added new section Integrating Radio. 
Added new diagram on determining if MD supports AAP.
29 Mar 16 
HU MUST notify user if max number of BT HFP connections has been 
exceeded, thus blocking AAP connection. 
Added USB power, USB hub requirements. 
Clarified AAP Connection Flow requirements to avoid SSL context. failures 
and timeout for slower phone response. 
Removed references to h.264 Main Profile in favor of Baseline Profile. 
Updated to RFC2119 language. 
Changed audio setup latency from 200ms to 500ms. 
Updated some old diagrams.
10 Aug 16 
Added VR button guidance 
BT HFP recommended during FRX, not mandatory 
Preferred behaviour when max BT connections reached. 
Revised USB connection flow descriptions 
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